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Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol. 03 “How to Sustain Research Excellence for Long Term”

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol. 03 “How to Sustain Research Excellence for Long Term”

Culture or research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The Culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium for the birth of potential scienties and the vehicle for research colaborations among scientists, universities, and worldwide research institutions. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has worked hard to make contribution in the advancement of science and technology throught its academic and research excellence as well as community engagement programs. It is hope that ITB’s milestones of innovation journey could make a difference in overcoming the national and global problems. It is our privilege to invite Professor Chennupati Jagadish to deliver his keynote address on “How to Sustain Research Excellence for The Long Term”. He is Professor of Department of Electronic Materials Engineering of Australian National University. This discussion series is dedicated for the members of ITB academic community in order for them to learn the strategies to strengthen ITB’s excellent research culture.

We are glad to invite you to the Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol. 03 “How to Sustain Research Excellence for The Long Term” organized by The Institute for Research and Community Services (IRCS) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The discussion will be held virtually on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 at 11 AM ACT (or Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 at 8 AM Western Indonesian Time).

Speaker: Prof. Chennupati Jagadish ( Department of Electronic Materials Engineering The Australian National University Canberra, Australia)

Moderator: Prof. Yudi Darma (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology)

Link Zoom: bit.ly/Research_Culture3
Zoom Meeting ID: 919 9477 9861
Passcode: 101ITB
Live Streaming onĀ Youtube LPPM ITB

Download: Virtual Background