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Gait Controllers on Humanoid Robot Using Kalman Filter and PD Controller

Martina, Putri D.I.H.a, Riyantoa, Machbub C.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


© 2018 IEEE.Humanoid robot has a structure that can be shaped or moved like a human, but in order to walk like a human, it needs to be given the controller to correct the posture and gait on the robot. The PD controller is used to control the posture and gait of the humanoid robot and the Center of Mass (COM) is used as a feedback to keep the humanoid robot stable. Determination of the stability criteria is performed to determine the stable state of the humanoid robot. In this study, we used Bioloid GP in order to get a stable stand and walk on uneven surface conditions. IMU sensors are used to read COM angles and to increase the readability accuracy, while the Kalman filter method is used as an estimate of error and white noise filter. Furthermore, the controller will calculate the error between sensor readings and setpoints to obtain angle correction value for the servo motor in Bioloid GP. The PD controller successful to stabilize the robot in the single slope change in the standing area with the experimental result response of 0% of overshoot on the pitch axis and 0% of overshoot on the roll axis. The response has 2 second of rising time for the Pitch axis and 2.5 seconds for Roll axis.

Author keywords

Angle correction,Center of mass,Estimate of errors,Humanoid robot,PD controllers,Sensor readings,Single slopes,Uneven surfaces

Indexed keywords

Bioloid GP,CoM,IMU,Kalman Filter,PD controller

Funding details

[{‘$’: ‘*Research supported by Program of Post Graduate Team Research 2017 from The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.’}, {‘$’: ‘ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by Program of Post Graduate Team Research 2018 from The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia’}]