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Interpretation and field verification of ground subsidence using SAR interefrometry in Bandung, West Java Indonesia

Sidiq T.P.a, Gumilar I.a, Subekti B.a, Abidin H.Z.a, Gamal M.a

a Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 41312, Indonesia


We mapped the ground subsidence in Bandung using the L-Band SAR satellite system ALOS PALSAR data range from February 2007 to March 2011. The ground subsidence mapped from 45 scenes in both ascending and descending direction. Small Baseline subset was performed for each persistent scatterers over the images for further analysis. Our results show that Cimahi, Cibereum and Bale Endah suffer from large subsidence rate as high as 14 cm/year. Some other industrial area such as Mohamad Toha, and Katapang have lower rate of ground subsidence, with maximum rate of 7 cm/year. Field observation shows that these locations are the large industrial area, and the cause of subsidence is suggested caused by the over-exploitation of ground water by the industries. However, our result and field observation shows that the subsidence is not only occur in the industrial area, agriculture and housing area are also encountering ground subsidence. The housing in Kopo have maximum of 5 cm/year of deformation rate, as well as the agriculture field in Sukamanah and Rancaekek. While the excessive ground water extraction for the industrial area is likely to cause of the largest subsidence rate, ground water pumping for housing and cultivation is also considered to be the culprit. Soil consolidation and other anthropogenic cause are also contribute to the rate of subsidence. The continuously declining rate of ground subsidence within these five years, suggest that there were not enough effort to recover the basin.

Author keywords

Anthropogenic cause,Bandung,Field verifications,Groundwater pumping,InSAR,Persistent scatterers,Small baseline subsets,Soil consolidation

Indexed keywords

Bandung,Ground water,InSAR,Subsidence

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