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Flight Test of GL-1 Glider Half Scale Prototype

Zulkarnain M.F.a, Rahman M.F.a, Imam Nurhakim M.L.a, Arifianto O.a, Mulyanto T.a

a Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.GL-1 is a single-seat mid-performance glider, designed to be Indonesian National Glider. The Glider have been developing since 2014. The development produced a half scale prototype called BL-1, which had accomplished static test in 2016, then followed by first flight test at April 20th 2017, and second flight test at May 21st 2017. The purpose of the flight test was to obtain familiarization of the aircraft, aerodynamics characteristics and flow visualization, with data from flight recorded in FDR. The flight test resulted in two flights with total length of 21 minutes. The data from FDR and flight test documents extracted to analyze the characteristics and behavior of the aircraft during flight test. The aerodynamics characteristic was close to analytical results. The control was good; however, the effectiveness of control surface may need to be further analyzed. The result of the flight test will be used as a reference for further improvements and may need further testing.

Author keywords

Analytical results,Flight data,Flight test,Indonesians,Static tests,Sub-scale Prototype,Total length

Indexed keywords

Flight Data,Flight Test,Glider,Sub-scale Prototype

Funding details