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Implementation of gesture recognition on aquarium application

Sucipto A.a, Harsoyo A.a, Rusmin P.H.a

a Sekolah Teknik Elektro Dan Informatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Multimedia and gaming devices currently being used as educational tools. In educational software design is sometimes just moving the learning material to the game but did not pay attention to aspects of psychological development of students. Experience and psychological development of the user must be considered in the design of educational games. Psychomotor domain of motion as well as cognitive experience can be a guide in designing the interaction of a game. In this thesis performed interaction design that allows users to use applications using the movement of limbs. Aquarium Interactive applications will encourage users to interact with objects and the user can still move freely in the area of the game. The interaction used is the gesture limb movements is the user’s hands. Gesture is read using Kinect that has the ability to identify the skeleton of the user. So the users do not require additional devices to be used. The selection of colors and shapes of objects of interest in accordance with the development of children is also a separate option. In this application the user is using hand gestures and move to do the activity. And limits the user who made the game not calibrated disturbed by the activities of others in the area of the game. © 2012 IEEE.

Author keywords

Educational game,Educational software,Educational tools,game,gesture,Hand gesture,interaction,Interaction design,Interactive applications,kinect,Learning materials,Limb movements,Psychomotor domain

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