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Wind speed calculation by using electrical output and wind turbine power curve

Purwadi A.a, Ikhsan M.a, Hariyanto N.a, Heryana N.a, Haroen Y.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


Measurements of wind speed usually done by using anemometer, these data can be used as a reference signal to the wind turbine control, or it can be used also for mapping the wind energy potential. Recently, the use of anemometer on wind turbines are often eliminated because of technical and cost reasons. This paper describes an alternative method to determine the upstream wind at the wind turbine without using the anemometer, but using only the electrical output (current and voltage) and the power curve data provided by the wind turbine manufacture. Further, the power curve is mathematically modeled by polynomial interpolation method so that the wind speed equation as a function of power can be determined. © 2013 IEEE.

Author keywords

Data logger,Electrical output,Lagrange polynomials,Polynomial interpolation,Power curves,Reference signals,Wind turbine control,Wind turbine power

Indexed keywords

data logger,lagrange polynomial interpolation,power curve,Wind turbine

Funding details