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Study and design of hybrid off-grid power system for communal and administrative load at 3 regions in Maluku, Indonesia

Faridah L.a, Purwadi A.a, Ibrahim M.H.a, Rizqiawan A.a

a Electrical Energy Conversion Research Laboratory, School of Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2018 IEEE.Indonesia is a developing country with a population of about 250 million people, so that the needs of electricity in Indonesia is quite high. Although Indonesia’s ratio of electrification is already reach 92.80 % at the end of June 2017, there are still many remote and underdeveloped villages at Indonesia which still haven’t got any electricity at al. Without electricity, development at these villages will be quite hard. Power plan with hybrid energy system can be used as one solution to increase the electrification ratio by utilizing renewable energy potentials which are available in the designated area. Hybrid energy system integrated renewable energy source to generate electrical energy to be delivered area. The study was done using software HOMER Pro, PVsys, and PVsol for communal load and administrative load in one region left behind, the outermost and forefront in Indonesia namely Wairatan, Klishatu and Leiting Village in Maluku Indonesia. The result of this study for Klistahu village the most optimal power generation system was hybrid PV-Generator with LCOE Rp. 6421 with RF 94% (communal load) and Rp. 8745 with RF 99.60% (administrative load), Wairatan village power generation system which the most optimal is hybrid PV-Wind-Generator with LCOE Rp. 6163 with RF 96.7% (communal load) and Rp. 8903 with RF 99.70% (administrative load), Leiting village the most optimal power plant system is hybrid PV-Wind -Generator with LCOE Rp. 7566 with 81.4% RF (communal load) and Rp. 9230 with RF 98.90 (administrative load), so the LCOE range for Maluku province is Rp. 6421 – Rp. 7566 (communal load) and Rp. 8745 – Rp. 9230 (administrative load). Result of this study can use to improved Rural Electrification Program (Program Listrik Pedesaan) and Bright Indonesia Program (Program Indonesia Terang).

Author keywords

Homer Pro,Hybrid power systems,Off-grids,PvSyst,Renewable energies

Indexed keywords

Homer Pro,Hybrid power system,Off-grid PV,PvSyst,Renewable Energy

Funding details