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Analysis of Energy-Saving Solar Lamp in Ciater, Indonesia

Winanti N.a, Setia G.A.a, Heryana N.b, Iskandar H.R.a, Purwadi A.b

a Universitas Jendral Ahmad Yani, Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cimahi, Indonesia
b Institute of Technology Bandung, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2019 IEEE.The development of renewable energy sector is one of Indonesia National Priorities in the field of Energy Security. The small Grid system is one of Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation priority programs as stated in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 79 of 2014. The development of the small grid system is by providing Energy Saving Solar Lamps ( LTSHE) to improve the value of electrification that has not been evenly distributed in Indonesia. LTSHE is being implemented by considering the potential of solar energy in Indonesia. The government also concerning the acceleration of LTSHE to improve the electrification number. The challenge that must be faced In developing LTSHE is the difference in irradiance value in each region in Indonesia due to the geographical conditions of Indonesia. Therefore, there must be study to improve the quality of LTSHE and this research is providing an analysis of LTSHE specification. The research location in this paper is Ciater, with its solar potential that similar with Indonesia average solar irradiance value, the minimum solar panel is 30Wp with energy price 7.435 IDR.

Author keywords

Conservation priorities,Geographical conditions,Renewable energies,Renewable energy sector,small-grid,Solar irradiances,Solar potential,Undeveloped areas

Indexed keywords

energy-saving solar lamp,rural and undeveloped area,small-grid,Solar power plant

Funding details