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Design and implementation of educational game based on thematic curriculum using three layered thinking model (Case study: Applying number and social arithmetic in the real life)

Safitri A.G.a, Prihatmanto A.S.a, Rusmin P.H.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2015 IEEE.Curriculum 2013 was designed as a multidisciplinary thematic curriculum with learning process more focus on student activity. But in fact, the implementation of curriculum is not fully implemented in accordance with the concept that has been made. The teachers feel a lot of obstacles in implementing the curriculum 2013 which are related to the learning approach, learning methods, the creation of learning tools, the use of instructional materials, implementation of assessment, and other aspects. In addition, the constraints stemming from the students is the lack of student motivation in implementing the learning process, especially mathematics. This causes the level of student understanding becomes not meet the standards expected. To overcome this problem, the authors design and develop learning activities that focus on student activity, can motivate students to learn math and give them gradual understanding in math and reduce the workload of the teacher. Learning activity consists of playing educational games that are integrated with field activities and daily activities at home. The design of game content is based on a theme that developed into a mission or objective games. Mathematics topic that became the case study is the connection between numbers and social arithmetic in everyday life. Games built using storyline, the challenge level and reward systems. The game is intended for 7th-grade junior high school students. The design of game using model Three Layered Thinking. This model integrates gaming goals into the curriculum goal and design game by reducing the complexity of design tasks and improving four factors: the ability (skill), challenge, concentration and pleasure. The conclusion from this research are (1) the use of educational games in the learning process does not have a significant impact toward the enhancement of student learning outcomes. (2) But, the student gives positive feedback about the use of the game to support their learning process in the school. (3) The design of learning activity which is using game integrated with field activity (outside classroom) and daily activities at home have a potential to improve the capacity of education, reduce student lesson hour in the school and teacher’s work hours.

Author keywords

Design and implementations,Game-based Learning,Gamification,Instructional materials,Junior high schools,Student learning outcomes,Student motivation,thematic learning

Indexed keywords

game based learning,Gamification,integrated curriculum,thematic learning,three layered thinking model

Funding details