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A second-order PSV-S and its performance model

Langi A.Z.R.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


This paper describes virtual prototyping of a new second-order product-service-value systems (PSV-S), especially its performance model. We have developed PSV-S concepts as an abstraction of engineering solutions and processes. In this paper, we increase the abstraction of the concepts for a new class of PSV-S called contracts. Together with solution PSV-S, these contractual PSV-Ss construct a more realistic external PSV-S called second-order or contextual PSV-S. Within this constructed PSV-S, various new solution PSV-Ss can be sustained. This paper creates a performance model for virtual prototyping of PSV-Ss. © 2012 IEEE.

Author keywords

contextual PSV-S,contractual PSV-S,Performance Model,Second orders,wealth generation

Indexed keywords

contextual PSV-S,contractual PSV-S,performance model,Second-Order PSV-S,wealth generation

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