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Beni Rio Hermanto

Beni Rio Hermanto


Biomedical Engineering • Electrical and Electronic Engineering • Instrumentation • Artificial Intelligence • Information Systems • Computer Science Applications • Computer Networks and Communications • Signal Processing • Hardware and Architecture • Computer Science (all)

Application protocol data unit implementation in e-health smart card for health and medical data record
Beni Rio Hermanto,Tati R. Mengko,Adi Indrayanto,Taufiqur Rahman
Proc. of 2013 3rd Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technol., and Biomedical Engineering: Science and Technol. for Improvement of Health, Safety, and Environ., ICICI-BME 2013 vol:, issue:ICICI-BME.2013.6698533, page:1-398

Implementation of Service Level Measurement Based on System Uptime Sensor of Network Device in Internet Connection Service
Beni Rio Hermanto,None Iskandar,None Hendrawan,Ian Joseph Matheus Edward
Proceeding of 2019 5th International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2019 vol:, issue:ICWT47785.2019.8978216, page:1-

Signal reference selection and dimensionality reduction for crosscorrelation based feature extraction in EEG signals of brain computer interface
Beni Rio Hermanto,Tati R. Mengko,P. Ary Setijadi,Adi Indrayanto
Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications vol:17, issue:EC017010185, page:1-207

Brain signal reference concept using cross correlation based for brain computer interface
Beni Rio Hermanto,Tati R. Mengko,Adi Indrayanto,Ary S. Prihatmanto
Proc. of 2013 3rd Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technol., and Biomedical Engineering: Science and Technol. for Improvement of Health, Safety, and Environ., ICICI-BME 2013 vol:, issue:ICICI-BME.2013.6698531, page:1-391

Smart card mobile data collection system concept for health and medical data collecting activities in rural area
Beni Rio Hermanto,Adi Indrayanto,Arif Sasongko
Proc. of 2013 3rd Int. Conf. on Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technol., and Biomedical Engineering: Science and Technol. for Improvement of Health, Safety, and Environ., ICICI-BME 2013 vol:, issue:ICICI-BME.2013.6698534, page:1-402

A preliminary implementation of HL7 FHIR to achieve interoperability in Indonesia’s local EHR
Inten Fauziah Hidayat,Beni Rio Hermanto
Proceedings of the 2020 27th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2020 vol:, issue:ICT49546.2020.09239534, page:1-

SmartEdu: Dedicated Online Learning Evaluation Device Based on Android Smartphone
Adi Indrayanto,Beni Rio Hermanto,Muhammad Iqbal Arsyad,Albertus Anugerah Pekerti,Yusep Rosmansyah
Proceeding – 2019 International Symposium on Electronics and Smart Devices, ISESD 2019 vol:, issue:ISESD.2019.8909573, page:1-

Health Geographic Information System as Monitoring Tool Using Regular Monthly Report in District Level Health Office: Study Case in Bandung District Level Health Office, Indonesia
Adi Indrayanto,Beni Rio Hermanto
Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics vol:2019-July, issue:ICEEI47359.2019.8988800, page:1-539

Diabetic Retinopathy Classification Using A Hybrid and Efficient MobileNetV2-SVM Model
Shidqie Taufiqurrahman,Astri Handayani,Beni Rio Hermanto,Tati Latifah Erawati Rajab Mengko
IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON vol:2020-November, issue:TENCON50793.2020.9293739, page:1-240