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Ony Arifianto

Ony Arifianto


Biotechnology • Electrical and Electronic Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Software • Applied Mathematics • Artificial Intelligence • Computer Science Applications • Control and Systems Engineering • Computer Science (miscellaneous) • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering • Hardware and Architecture • Environmental Engineering • Engineering (all) • Physics and Astronomy (all) • Chemical Engineering (all)

The development of student station for drag polar testing
Ony Arifianto,Hari Muhammad,Pramesthi Sukma Windratih,Imam Safi’i
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) vol:7, issue:, page:1-92

The Design of the Longitudinal Autopilot for the LSU-05 Unmanned Aerial Surveillance Vehicle
Muhammad Fajar,Ony Arifianto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1005, issue:012030, page:1-

Flight Dynamic Simulation of Fighter in the Asymmetric External Store Release Process
Imam Safi’I,Ony Arifianto,Chandra Nurohman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1005, issue:012021, page:1-

Implementation of Dryden Continuous Turbulence Model into Simulink for LSA-02 Flight Test Simulation
Teuku Mohd Ichwanul Hakim,Ony Arifianto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1005, issue:012017, page:1-

Hinge Moment Coefficient Prediction Tool and Control Force Analysis of Extra-300 Aerobatic Aircraft
Chandra Nurohman,Ony Arifianto,Agra Barecasco
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1005, issue:012020, page:1-

Development of motion manipulator system for a generic aircraft flight dynamic simulator
Yusuf Kurniawan Asalani,Rianto Adhy Sasongko,Ony Arifianto
International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) vol:7, issue:, page:1-52

Flight Test of GL-1 Glider Half Scale Prototype
Muhammad Fikri Zulkarnain,Muhammad Fazlur Rahman,Muhammad Luthfi Imam Nurhakim,Ony Arifianto,Taufiq Mulyanto
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1005, issue:012031, page:1-

Prediction of static stability in tandem wing unmanned aerial vehicle
T.S. Sugandi,None Nathan,S.K. Subrata,O. Arifianto,M.A. Moelyadi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1130, issue:012028, page:1-

The development of operational concept and Design Requirements and Objectives (DRO) of medical transport drone in Liukang Tangaya Archipelago
I. Safi’I,A. Fariz,M.F. Rahman,O. Arifianto,R.A. Sasongko,Y.I. Jenie
Journal of Physics: Conference Series vol:1130, issue:012034, page:1-