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Results of Selection for Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021

Results of Selection for Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021

Results of Selection for Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021

Following up on the letter from the Chairperson of LPPM number 0002/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2021 dated January 4 regarding the Notice of Acceptance of the Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 12 pre-proposals proposed through the program. Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021. Based on the results of a review by the Board of ReviewersITB, a total of 11 pre-proposals were declared passed the selection.

Therefore, the Indonesian Collaborative Research proposers who have passed the pre-proposal selection are requested to submit a full-proposal through the Research Program Management System (http://research.itb.ac.id/).

The guidelines and format for full-Indonesian Collaborative Research proposals can be obtained through the LPPM website (www.lppm.itb.ac. id). The deadline for submitting full-Indonesian Collaborative Research proposals is February 5, 2021, 24.00 WIB.

Letter of Announcement of Results of the 2021 RKI Pre-Proposal Selection
ITB RKI Guide 2021
Format Full Proposal RKI 2021