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List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

Referring to the Single Year Research Contract for Applied Research for the 2021 Fiscal Year between the Directorate of Research and Community Service and the Bandung Institute of Technology number 178/SP2H/LT/DRPM/2021, we attach a list of Research activities of the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN for Multi-Year (PN-7) Scheme Higher University Research Consortium (KRUPT); PN-7 which has been approved for funding in 2021.

In this regard, we ask for the help of researchers so that they can prepare a Budget and Cost Plan (RAB) according to the guidelines and formats that have been determined. RAB please send to email kabagmonev@lppm.itb.ac.id no later than 12 April 2021. The RAB format and the RAB Guide can be downloaded from the LPPM website.

For information that recipients of research funds will be asked to upload revised proposals and RAB in accordance with the funds received through Simlitabmas. More detailed information regarding the upload of the revised proposal will be informed later after there is information from the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN.

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek/BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021
Guidelines for Compiling the Kemenristek-BRIN PPM Cost Budget Plan (RAB) for 2021
Two-Term RAB Template (PN-7 )