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One Health Summer Cource and ASAIHL International Conference 2022

One Health Summer Cource and ASAIHL International Conference 2022

One Health Summer Cource and ASAIHL International Conference 2022

One Health Approach in Newly Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases

5 – 16 September 2022

Our ever expanding quest for resource and living space increases our interaction with the environment and the animals living there. This expansion serves as brewing pot for emerging and re-emerging diseases. Covid-19, dengue, and malaria are but some of such diseases. Tackling this issue requires tight interdisciplinary approach, something that One Healthapproach offers. Join us in discussing the multiple facade of newly emerging and re-emerging diseases, together with experts in the field.


ASAIHL International Conference 2022

November 7-10, 2022 at Sukhothai Treasure Resort and Spa, Sukhothai, Thailand

Naresuan University, serving as a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) which presently comprises 225 members, is committed to providing a
platform for academicians, researchers, business providers and interested stakeholders to share their points of view and expertise, particularly in current global issues which affect focal missions of universities, i.e., teaching, research, and academic services. The university deems it necessary to properly respond to inevitable changes both currently occurring and meant to occur in foreseeable future and hence incorporates the main theme for ASAIHL International Conference 2022 dedicated to “Higher Education Reshaping for Resilience in Post COVID-19 Era.” The conference comprises the following sub-themes:

  • Teaching delivery and technology-aided learning environment
  • Commercialized research for productivities and better quality of life
  • Equity and easily access academic services

Important Date

  • Abstract submission: by Aug. 31, 2022
  • Full Paper submission: by Sep. 15, 2022
  • Registration deadline: Oct. 15, 2022

Registration Fee
The rate applies to Non-ASAIHL members and the fourth participant henceforth from ASAIHL members, including paper
presenters: USD 300
Recreational Activities Cost: USD 30

Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, THAILAND
Tel: 66 55 96 1643, 66 55 96 1647
E-Mail: athipornp@nu.ac.th

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