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First Announcement of International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC) 2022

First Announcement of International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC) 2022

First Announcement of International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC) 2022

The Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute (IOPRI) will organize a quadrennial event, the 7th International Oil Palm Conference (IOPC) with the theme of “Coping the Matters, Ensuring the Future” in Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC)-Bali, Indonesia from 14 to 16 March 2023.

IOPC 2022 will provide updated information on the latest findings of oil palm research and developments, challenges and future prospects of the industry. The conference has three concurrent panel fields:
a) Agriculture and Biotechnology;
b) Product Development, Processing Technology and Bioenergy; and
c) Enviroment, Socio Economics and Business.

Trade Exhibitions will also be held throughout the conference that will give opportunities for delegates to update their knowledge and discuss current technologies, equipment and products of oil palm industries.

Contact Us
Email :iopc.secretariat@iopri.co.id
Atika Afriani: +62 821 6227 0022
Eka Listia: +62 821 6227 0021
Ernayunita: +62 821 6227 0020
Website: https://iopc2022.iopri.co.id/