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Bigman Marihat Hutapea

Bigman Marihat Hutapea


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology • Materials Science (all) • Engineering (all) • Earth and Planetary Sciences (all)

Determination of site amplification deep soil layers using 1-d site response analysis (Case study: Jakarta city, Indonesia)
Masyhur Irsyam,Bigman M. Hutapea,Iswandi Imran,None Delfebriyadi,Muhammad Asrurifak
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences vol:51, issue:j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.6.6, page:1-838

Correlation between plasticity index and methylene blue value to determining soil classification
Andrias Suhendra Nugraha,Paulus P. Rahardjo,Bigman M. Hutapea,Imam A. Sadisun
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering vol:852, issue:012012, page:1-

Development of nationwide surface spectral acceleration maps for earthquake resistant design of bridges based on national hazard maps of indonesia 2017
Reguel Mikhail,Masyhur Irsyam,Bigman M. Hutapea,M. Asrurifak,Ramli Nazir,Siska Rustiani,None Munirwansyah,Dandung Sri Harninto
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences vol:51, issue:j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.4.4, page:1-515

Proposed seismic hazard maps of Sumatra and Java islands and microzonation study of Jakarta city, Indonesia
Masyhur Irsyam,Donny T Dangkua,None Hendriyawan,Drajat Hoedajanto,Bigman M Hutapea,Engkon K Kertapati,Teddy Boen,Mark D Petersen
Journal of Earth System Science vol:117, issue:s12040-008-0073-3, page:1-878

Recent efforts to mitigate the impacts of earthquake hazard in Indonesia from geotechnical engineering perspective
None Hendriyawan,M. Irsyam,M. Asrurifak,I. Meilano,S. Widiyantoro,A.D. Nugraha,L.M. Sakti,B.M. Hutapea,P.T. Simatupang,D.H. Natawidjaja,A. Sabaruddin,L. Faisal,T. Afriansyah
Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering vol:43, issue:978-3-319-62069-5_7, page:1-150

Development of seismic risk microzonation maps of Jakarta city
Masyhur Irsyam,Daniel Hutabarat,M. Asrurifak,Iswandi Imran,Sri Widiyantoro,None Hendriyawan,Imam Sadisun,Bigman Hutapea,Taufik Afriansyah,Haris Pindratno,Anita Firmanti,M. Ridwan,Sri Woro Haridjono,Rakhindo Pandhu
Geotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilation, GEDMAR 2014 vol:, issue:, page:1-47