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Call for Paper – International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT)

Call for Paper – International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT)

Call for Paper – International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT)

International Journal on Information and Communication Technology (IJoICT) Editorial Board would like to invite you to submit your manuscript to the IJoICT  Vol. 08 Issue 02 December 2022 (https://socj.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ijoict).

This journal includes novel ideas on ICT, state of the art technique implementations,and study cases on developing countries. This journal fully acknowledges the articlesthat emphasize a balanced coverage between theory and practice.

Subject areas that is suitable for publication, including the following fields:

  • Computer Networking and Communication
  • Graphics & Multimedia
  • Theoretical CS & Statistic
  • Embeded System
  • Software Engineering
  • Information System
  • Security & Cryptography
  • Data Science
  • Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • Database Systems
  • Intelligence System

The submission is free of chargeand all accepted papers will be published immediately. Currently, the IJOICT journal is in the process of SINTA accreditation, so all papers published in this edition will have a great chance to be SINTA accredited.

Take this opportunity, immediately submit your paper before November 30, 2022