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Call for Proposals : Joint Call in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases

Call for Proposals : Joint Call in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases

Call for Proposals : Joint Call in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases

Deadline: 18 September 2018, 17.00 Jakarta time


DIPI as the Indonesia secretariat for Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation would like to invite scientists to submit proposals for the Joint Call in the thematic areas Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases. 


Funding will be provided for the duration of a maximum of three years (36 months). They should start earliest in April 2019.


Proposals may be submitted by public legal RTD (Research and Technology Development) entities, higher education institutions, non-university research establishments, companies (all depending on national regulations). The participation of SMEs, industries and clusters in consortia is recommended. Eligibly criteria can be found in the respective national funding regulations.


Countries contributing to the Call are : Bulgaria, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Germany, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, The Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and Turkey.


Further information and guidelines on submitting proposal :


Applicants should discuss their intentions and confirm eligibility with their respective National Contact Point before submitting a proposal.


National Contact Point for Indonesia Secretariat: 
Marsia Gustiananda
cc : adam.bakhtiar@dipi.id
telp: +62 852 1134 2556


Best regards,