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Call For Papers “Journal of Lignocellulose Technology” Biomaterial LIPI

Call For Papers “Journal of Lignocellulose Technology” Biomaterial LIPI

Call For Papers “Journal of Lignocellulose Technology” Biomaterial LIPI

Journal of Lignocellulose Technology
Lignocellulose is a prominent structural feature of structure in plant not only in wood but also in leave and fruit. Studies on different subjects are significant to explore lignocellulose for building construction technology, furniture industries, waste management ,etc.


The focus of this journal is related to lignocellulosic material including crops residue. J. Ligno Technol. encourages manuscripts reporting unique, innovative contributions to the physics, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, material science and applied mechanics aspects of lignocellulosic material, including wood and other biomass resources. J. Ligno Tech.  is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research articles and review articles. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two referees.


Journal of Lignocelluse Technology will be published twice a year, June and December. Accepted papers will be published as part of an issue with its own Table of contents. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Advance in the science and technology of utilization of lignocellulosic materials obtained from wood, crop residues and other materials containing cellulose, lignin, and related biomaterials. Emphasis is placed on bioproducts, bioenergy, biopellets, papermaking technology, new manufacturing materials, composite structures, and chemicals derived from lignocellulosic biomass. Lignocellulose modification, biorefinery derived from lignocellulose, biodegradation related to lignocellulose materials, wood or lignocellulose preservative, lignocellulose conversion and plant technology
Journal of Lignocellulose Technology is peer-reviewed journal that receives, reviews and publishes original articles encompassing studies on biology, physics, biochemistry, chemistry, material science,  and applied science of lignocellulosic materials such as wood and/or other biomass resources. This Journal is published by Research Center for Biomaterials, Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI).


Guidelines For Submissions
– The submitted manuscript has not been previously published nor under consideration to be published on any other journal publishers
– The articles shall be submitted in Open Office, Microsoft word, or Rich Text File (RTF) file format
– The Manuscript adheres to style and bibliographics requirements described in the Author Guidelines
– Citation and References are written according to Harvard style
– Manuscript should be submitted electronically via the open Journal Systems page at jlignotech.biomaterial.lipi.go.id

2nd volume of Journal Publication:June 2017
Fullpaper submission : April 15th, 2017
Acceptance notification: May 2nd, 2017


Publications Frequency
Journal of Lignocellulose Technology will be published twice a year (June and December)


Open Acces Policy
The contents of this journal are freely available to the public in the attempt to support global exchange of knowledge
Email : j.lignotech@biomaterial.lipi.go.id
Web: jlignotech.biomaterial.lipi.go.id
Kontak: Dr. Dede Heri Yuli Yanto (+62857 7123 4807)