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Call for Papers – 7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET 2021)

Call for Papers – 7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET 2021)

We are pleased to inform you that the Gyancity Research Consultancy India, Universitas YARSI Indonesia, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal Peru, University of Houston-Victoris USA, and University of Hawaii USA, are organizing 7th International Conference on Green Computing and Engineering Technologies (ICGCET®). The conference will be held on 22 Sep – 23 Sep 2021 at Universidad […]

Application for the 2021 Indonesian Collaborative Research Program Progress Report

Application for the 2021 Indonesian Collaborative Research Program Progress Report

Referring to the 2021 Research Program Implementation Agreement, we hereby convey the requirements for Phase II disbursement of 30% for the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program as follows: Progress Report in soft copy Financial Statements attached with proof of receipt in the form of soft copy Logbook / diary of research activities attached to progress report […]

Notice of Uploading Revision of Basic Partnership Research Scheme Research Proposal through SIMLITABMAS Page

Notice of Uploading Revision of Basic Partnership Research Scheme Research Proposal through SIMLITABMAS Page

Referring to the Research Contract of the Plural Research Partnership of Fiscal Year 2021 between the Directorate of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Technology Bandung Institute Number 341/E4.1/AK.04.PT/2021, and Plural Year Research Contract Between Directorate of Resources Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Ristek with Bandung Institute of […]

Request for Uploading Documents of Achievement 70% Community Service Grants Kemendikbud Ristek

Request for Uploading Documents of Achievement 70% Community Service Grants Kemendikbud Ristek

Following up on the letter from the Director of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, number 2654/E4/KD.00/2021 dated August 14, 2021 regarding Uploading of documents achieving 70% of Community Service grants and referring to the funding contract between the Directorate of Research and Community Service […]

2021 AUN-EEC Conference on Creating an Ecosystem for Ecological Education and Culture

2021 AUN-EEC Conference on Creating an Ecosystem for Ecological Education and Culture

The ASEAN University Network on Ecological Education and Culture (AUN-EEC) will be holding its annual conference on 15 September 2021 via Zoom. The theme of the conference is “Creating an Ecosystem for Ecological Education and Culture,” with panel discussions on “Enabling a Sustainable Culture” and “University Partnerships toward SDGs.” The plenary session is scheduled at […]

Call for Papers – The International Conference of Business & Technology

Call for Papers – The International Conference of Business & Technology

You are invited to participate in The International Conference on Business &amp; Technology (ICBT 2021) that will be held on 6-7 November 2021 at Hilton Istanbul Bomonti, Istanbul, Turkey. Because of the Coronavirus, ICBT 2021 Istanbul conference will be held Virtually this year. <strong>Feature Speaker</strong> <a href=”https://uwaterloo.ca/school-environment-enterprise-development/people-profiles/olaf-weber”><strong>Prof. Olaf Weber</strong></a> University Research Chair in Sustainable Finance, […]

Notification of Uploading Revision of Research Proposals through the SIMLITABMAS Page

Notification of Uploading Revision of Research Proposals through the SIMLITABMAS Page

Following up on the letter from the Director of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemendikbudristek number 2044/E4/KD.00/2021, regarding Uploading Research Proposal Revisions through the SIMLITABMAS Page, we hereby convey the following: Referring to Article 17 of the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Number 20 of 2018 concerning Research, it […]

Application for Progress Reports and LPD for ITB Community Service Programs 2021

Application for Progress Reports and LPD for ITB Community Service Programs 2021

Referring to the PM Program Implementation Agreement for ITB 2021 Economic Recovery category, ITB Top-Down PM Program 2021*, ITB Bottom-Up PM Program 2021, and ITB Citarum Harum Program 2021, we hereby convey the requirements for Phase II disbursement of 30% for programs- the program as follows: Progress Report; 70% Fund Usage Report. In connection with […]

Deadline for Submissions for The Young People and Development Rapid Research Grants has been extended

Deadline for Submissions for The Young People and Development Rapid Research Grants has been extended

We are writing to advise you that the deadline for submissions for the Young People and Development Rapid Research Scheme (YPD-RR) has been extended until 14 July 2021, 5pm AEST. We would also like to invite you to join the information session on the YPD-RR Grant Scheme. The grant scheme focuses on the theme: Human […]