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Instrumentation and Control Systems 2021 and The 7th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2021

Instrumentation and Control Systems 2021 and The 7th International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation 2021

Instrumentation and Control Expertise Group, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology is holding National Seminar on Instrumentation and Control Systems (SIK) 2021 which will be held in Bandung, August 25-27 2021. SIK 2021 is intended as a forum to facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge between professional practitioners, researchers, and students in […]

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

Referring to the Single Year Research Contract for Applied Research for the 2021 Fiscal Year between the Directorate of Research and Community Service and the Bandung Institute of Technology number 178/SP2H/LT/DRPM/2021, we attach a list of Research activities of the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN for Multi-Year (PN-7) Scheme Higher University Research Consortium (KRUPT); PN-7 […]

Results of Selection for Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021

Results of Selection for Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021

Following up on the letter from the Chairperson of LPPM number 0002/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2021 dated January 4 regarding the Notice of Acceptance of the Pre-Proposal for Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 12 pre-proposals proposed through the program. Indonesian Collaborative Research in 2021. Based on the results of a […]

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Bottom-Up Community Service Program in 2021

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Bottom-Up Community Service Program in 2021

Following up on the letter from the Chairperson of LPPM number 7857/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2020 dated December 21, 2020 regarding the Proposal for the ITB Community Service Program (PM) 2021 Bottom-Up scheme, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 191 proposals submitted proposed to be funded through the 2021 ITB Community Service Program. Based on the […]

3rd National Seminar on Green Industrial Technology (SNTIH 3)

3rd National Seminar on Green Industrial Technology (SNTIH 3)

Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hereby conveyed that the SNTIH 3 Year 2020 activity will be carried out virtually with the theme “Making Indonesia 4.0: Green Technology Innovation Toward Sustainable Industry strong>” on: Day/Date : Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Target Participants: 200 people from researchers, academics, students, industry players, government from regional to national […]

3rd National Seminar on Green Industrial Technology 2020

3rd National Seminar on Green Industrial Technology 2020

The Center for Industrial Pollution Prevention Technology (BBTPPI) Semarang will hold a National Seminar on Green Industrial Technology to provide a means of publishing research results and studies (reviews) for researchers/engineers/industrial practitioners/ lecturers/students/scientists related to technology that supports the existence of a national green industry. The implementation of the National Seminar on Green Industrial Technology […]