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Winner Announcement of OGFICE 2021-2022

Winner Announcement of OGFICE 2021-2022

With this letter we announce the winners of the Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange (OGFICE) Program 2021-2022 as follows: No Principal Investigator Faculty/ School Title of the Proposed Research 1. Dr. Sony Suhandono, M.Sc. SITH Analysis of Polystyrene Biodegradation by Gut Microbiota Tenebrio Molitor Larvae Through Metagenomic Approach 2. Dr. Eng Muhammad Iqbal, […]

Determination of Recipients of Kemendikbudristek Research Fund 2021 Strategic Policy Study Scheme

Determination of Recipients of Kemendikbudristek Research Fund 2021 Strategic Policy Study Scheme

Referring to the Single Year Research Contract for Strategic Policy Studies Research for Fiscal Year 2021 between the Directorate of Resources, the Directorate General of Higher Education and the Bandung Institute of Technology Number 319/E4.1/AK.04.PT/2021, we attach a list of Strategic Policy Studies Research activities that have been carried out. approved for funding in 2021. […]

Determination of Recipients of Kemendikbudristek Research Fund 2021 Basic Partnership Research Scheme

Determination of Recipients of Kemendikbudristek Research Fund 2021 Basic Partnership Research Scheme

Referring to the Multi-Year Research Contract Basic Partnership Research for Fiscal Year 2021 between the Directorate of Resources, Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture and the Bandung Institute of Technology Number 341/E4.1/AK.04.PT/2021 and Number 357/E4.1/AK.04 .PT/2021, attached is a list of Basic Partnership Research activities that have been approved for funding […]

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2021

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2021

Following up on the letter from the Chairman of LPPM number 1333/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2021 dated April 26, 2021 regarding Acceptance of the ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Proposal in 2021, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 9 proposals proposed to be funded through the 2021 ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship program. Based on the feasibility assessment of […]

Determination of The Asahi Glass Foundation Overseas Research Grant 2021

Determination of The Asahi Glass Foundation Overseas Research Grant 2021

Following up on the letter from the Senior Executive of The Asahi Glass Foundation dated April 19, 2021, we hereby respectfully inform you that based on the results of the decision of the Board of Directors of The Asahi Glass Foundation, the proposal submitted by the attached researchers has been declared approved for funding through […]

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

List of Recipients of Research Funds Kemenristek / BRIN KRUPT Scheme (PN-7) 2021

Referring to the Single Year Research Contract for Applied Research for the 2021 Fiscal Year between the Directorate of Research and Community Service and the Bandung Institute of Technology number 178/SP2H/LT/DRPM/2021, we attach a list of Research activities of the Ministry of Research and Technology/BRIN for Multi-Year (PN-7) Scheme Higher University Research Consortium (KRUPT); PN-7 […]

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Bottom-Up Community Service Program in 2021

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Bottom-Up Community Service Program in 2021

Following up on the letter from the Chairperson of LPPM number 7857/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2020 dated December 21, 2020 regarding the Proposal for the ITB Community Service Program (PM) 2021 Bottom-Up scheme, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 191 proposals submitted proposed to be funded through the 2021 ITB Community Service Program. Based on the […]

Announcement of 2010 Research and Technology Incentive Program Short List

Following up the Decree of the Deputy for Development of National Science and Technology Ministry of Research and Technology Number : 06/D-PSIPTN/Kp/VI/2009 dated 12 June 2009, hereby notify that the 63 pre-proposal titles submitted by ITB lecturers are included in the Short List that will follow a further selection process in the Research and Technology […]