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L’Oréal For Women in Science – Fellowship Nasional

L’Oréal For Women in Science – Fellowship Nasional

L’Oréal meyakini Perempuan memiliki andil besar dalam kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan di masa depan. Program For Women in Science (FWIS) diluncurkan di dunia sejak 1998 atas kemitraan dengan UNESCO. Program ini bertujuan untuk mengakui, menyemangati dan mendukung kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan ilmuwan perempuan pada khususnya. Ketentuan Perempuan, berusia maksimal 40 tahun per 30 November 2021 Berpendidikan […]

Kerjasama Penelitian Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (PROGRAM SATREPS) 2021 – 2022

Kerjasama Penelitian Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (PROGRAM SATREPS) 2021 – 2022

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kerja sama dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, Pemerintah JepangmelaluiMinistry of Foreign Affairs in Japan (MOFA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) bekerja sama untuk memfasilitasi riset antara peneliti Indonesia dan Jepang yang terkait dengan isu-isu global seperti Environment and energy, Bio-resources, […]

Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian Tahun Jamak

Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian Tahun Jamak

Menindaklanjuti surat Direktur Sumber Daya, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, Kemendikbudristek nomor 3153/E4/KD.00/2021 tanggal 10 September 2021, perihal Kewajiban Unggah Catatan Harian, Laporan Kemajuan dan Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Belanja (SPTB), bersama ini dengan hormat kami mohon kepada para peneliti program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian Tahun Jamak (daftar terlampir) untuk segera […]

Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian PTNBH dan Tahun Tunggal

Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian PTNBH dan Tahun Tunggal

Menindaklanjuti surat Direktur Sumber Daya, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi, Kemendikbudristek nomor 3153/E4/KD.00/2021 tanggal 10 September 2021, perihal Kewajiban Unggah Catatan Harian, Laporan Kemajuan dan Surat Pernyataan Tanggung Jawab Belanja (SPTB) dan merujuk pada surat Ketua LPPM nomor 3745/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2021 tanggal 8 September 2021, perihal Informasi Awal Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek […]

Call for Proposal – Opportunity for UK universities to access grant to develop TNE partnership with Indonesia universities

Call for Proposal – Opportunity for UK universities to access grant to develop TNE partnership with Indonesia universities

This Call for Proposal is part of Going Global Partnerships (GGP), British Council’s global project on higher education. GGP’s overall objective is to create stronger, more inclusive and globally connected tertiary education systems, which support economic and social growth, with the UK seen as trusted partner and provider. Grant of around £200,000 will be provided […]

Informasi Awal Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian PTNBH dan Tahun Tunggal

Informasi Awal Permohonan Unggah Dokumen Kemajuan Program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian PTNBH dan Tahun Tunggal

Merujuk kepada informasi informal (running text) di laman https://simlitabmas.ristekbrin.go.id, bersama ini dengan hormat kami mohon kepada para peneliti program Penelitian Kemendikbudristek Tahun 2021 Kontrak Penelitian PTNBH dan Tahun Tunggal (daftar terlampir) untuk segera mengunggah dokumen pada website Simlitabmas tersebut di atas dengan uraian sebagai berikut : Laporan kemajuan pelaksanaan penelitian diunggah sesuai dengan panduan terlampir; […]

Call for Papers – Special Issue for the Information Systems Frontiers Journal

Call for Papers – Special Issue for the Information Systems Frontiers Journal

Dear Colleague, It’s a great pleasure to announce the launch of our Special Issue Call for Papers for the Information Systems Frontiers journal (ABS 3), Springer, Impact Factor = 6.191 (2020). Theme: “Futurecasting with Industry 5.0: Driving Value Co-Creation and Enabling Sustainable Supply Chains in the Post Covid-19 Era”. Download the CFP file here: https://resource-cms.springernature.com/springer-cms/rest/v1/content/19352932/data/v1 […]

Call for Papers – Special Issue “New Trends of Nanocrystal Assemblies”

Call for Papers – Special Issue “New Trends of Nanocrystal Assemblies”

Imagine if we can control the electronic structure of each individual nanocrystal through modification, doping, functionalization, and subsequently arranging the assemblies of these nanocrystals into superstructures: The constructed solid-state materials might become the ultimate designer materials. These new classes of materials will have tunable properties based on the applications developed. This Special Issue on “New […]

Call for Papers – Advances on Biopolymers Derived from Marine and Agricultural Products for Sustainable Food Packaging Applications

Call for Papers – Advances on Biopolymers Derived from Marine and Agricultural Products for Sustainable Food Packaging Applications

In collaboration with my colleagues, Dr Danar Praseptiangga (UNS) and Prof I Made Joni (Unpad), I am delighted to announce our Special Issue in the Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems journal (Scopus Q1), looking into the Advances on Biopolymers Derived from Marine and Agricultural Products for Sustainable Food Packaging Applications. Deadlines: Abstract: 27 September 2021 […]

Call for Papers – Special Issue “Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Circular Economy through Practice-Based Approaches”

Call for Papers – Special Issue “Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Circular Economy through Practice-Based Approaches”

Dear colleague, Delighted to invite you to our Special Issue “Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Circular Economy through Practice-Based Approaches” – for the Sustainability (MDPI) journal (Scopus Q1; Impact Factor = 3.251). https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/circular_economy_practice_based_approaches Download the flyer here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issue_flyer_pdf/circular_economy_practice_based_approaches/web Deadline 31 October 2021 Please feel free to forward the CFP to those who might be interested. Thank […]