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Webinar Series

Scientific Article Writing Workshop for International Journal Publication for Beginners

ITB’s efforts to foster a superior scientific culture by developing a strong research culture encourage a positive attitude that characterizes the research university culture. The year 2020 has become one of the important milestones in the journey of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), where until now ITB has provided educational services to the Indonesian […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture “Scientific Excellence is a Process, Not a State”

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture. Vol. 05 “Scientific Excellence is a Process, Not a State” Speaker: Prof. dr. Rob F. Mudde (Professor of Multiphase Flow and Distinguished Professor of Science Education, Executive Board of Delft University of Technology) Moderator: Dr. Suprijanto (Associate Professor of Medical and Industrial Instrumentation, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi […]

Focus Group Discussion “Water Research”

Focus Group Discussion LPPM ITB Vol 3 “Water Research” Keynote Speakers: Shane A. Synder, Ph.D. Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering Nanyang Technological University Thursday, 24th June, 2021 09.45—11.30 (Indonesian Time) 10.45 – 12.30 (Singapore Time) Via Zoom and YouTube LPPM ITB Registration: bit.ly/RegistrationFGDWaterResearch Download: Virtual Background

Karsa Loka Vol 8: Tackling Village Digital Transformation

Percepatan transformasi digital terutama di desa tentu tidak dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang biasa, karena itu PPTIK (Pusat Penelitian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) ITB mengusung strategi untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut melalui pemanfaatan sumber daya nasional di beberapa daerah terutama di sekitar desa sebagai kekuatan kunci dan keberlanjutan transformasi digital. LPPM ITB bekerjasama dengan Design Ethnography […]

Focus Group Discussion “Nickel Downstream Industries”

Focus Group Discussion LPPM ITB Vol 2 “Nickel Downstream Industries” Keynote Speakers: Dr. Zulfiadi Zulhan Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung Title: “Review of Laterite Nickel Ore Processing and Refining Technologies” Ir. Wilson Ginting, MM. General Manager Operation, PT IMIP Title: “Nickel downstream industries at IMIP Morowali as implementation of […]

Karsa Loka – Pesantren Workshop: Social-Lab for Integrated Agriculture-Based Innovation

LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB and RMI NU held a speech entitled Karsa Loka Vol. 007 which this time is a special edition of Ramadan with the theme “Pesantren Workshop: Social-Lab for Integrated Agriculture-Based Innovation”. Session 1 – Islamic Boarding School and Community Development Speakers: 1. Angga Dwiartama, Ph.D. […]

Workshop Series – Law as a Solution in Higher Education Activities

ITB’s efforts to foster a superior scientific culture by developing a strong research culture encourage a positive attitude that characterizes the research university culture. The year 2020 has become one of the important milestones in the journey of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), where until now ITB has provided educational services to the Indonesian […]