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Webinar Series

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol. 04 “Growing & Maintaining Innovation Culture”

Culture of research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium […]

Focus Group Discussion “Biomass Thermal Conversion”

Bioenergy is currently the major global contributor of renewable energy. Biomass thermal conversion has a significant potential to enlarge in the production of electricity, heat, and fuels. In addition, energy from biomass can contribute significantly toward the purposes of not only alleviating problems related to climate change but also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There are […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture “How to Sustain Research Excellence for Long Term”

Culture or research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The Culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium […]

Karsa Loka – Village Development Through Education Based On Active Involvement of Grassroots Groups

LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB manages a talk show entitled Karsa Loka by presenting village activists, social entrepreneurs, village empowerment (local enablers) from various fields. The leaders will share knowledge and best practices in Community Empowerment through innovation in science, art and appropriate technology. Karsa Loka Vol. 006 carries […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture – Japan Way

Culture of research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium […]

Karsa Loka – Collaborative Sustainable Village Development

Karsa Loka – Collaborative Sustainable Village Development

The monthly talk show entitled Karsa Loka is ITB’s action echoing the concepts, experiences, and roles of ITB in helping problems in the community. LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. ITB FSRD manages the Karsa Loka Vol. 005 with the theme “Sustainable Village Development”. The post-Covid-19 economic recovery, especially in villages, cannot […]

Webinar – Discussion Series On Excellent Research Culture Institut Teknologi Bandung “THE IMPORTANCE OF NETWORKING IN ACADEMIA”

Discussion Series On Excellent Research Culture Institut Teknologi Bandung “THE IMPORTANCE OF NETWORKING IN ACADEMIA” Speaker : Chow-Yang Lee (Professor and Endowed Presidential Chair in Urban Entomology Board Certified Entomologist (Urban & Industrial)) Monday, March 8th, 2021, 08.00 Western Indonesian Time Sunday, March 7th, 2021, 17:00 Pasific Standard Time (PST) Tautan Zoom : bit.ly/Research_Culture​ Zoom […]

Karsa Loka Vol. 04 “Independent Children’s Educational Base Family”

Karsa Loka Vol. 04 “Independent Children’s Educational Base Family”

The monthly talk show titled Karsa Loka is ITB’s action echoing the concepts, experiences, and roles of ITB in helping problems in the community. LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB managed the Karsa Loka Vol.004 talk show with the theme “Family of Independent Children’s Education Base“. Through the family-based education […]