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Webinar Series

Karsa Loka Vol. 03 “Sustainable Waste Management System in Rural Context”

Karsa Loka Vol. 03 “Sustainable Waste Management System in Rural Context”

The monthly talk show titled Karsa Loka is ITB’s action echoing the concepts, experiences, and roles of ITB in helping problems in the community. LPPM ITB in collaboration with the Design Ethnography Lab. ITB FSRD manages the Karsa Loka Vol. 003 with the theme “Sustainable Waste Management System in Rural Context”. We present Mohamad Bijaksana […]

Ritech Expo 2020 “Superior Scientific Culture for Indonesia’s Technological Awakening”

Ritech Expo 2020 “Superior Scientific Culture for Indonesia’s Technological Awakening”

Webinar Ritech Expo 2020 ITB Series “Excellent Scientific Culture for Indonesian Technology Awakening” organized by the Ministry of Research and Technology/Brin. Source person: Prof. Trio Adiono ST, MT, Ph.D. : Information and communication technology Dr.Ir. Sigit Puji Santosa MSME : Transportation and Energy Engineering Prof.Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha S.Si.,M.Si. : Infrastructure and Disaster Ir. V. […]

Beneficial Advanced Geothermal Use System (BAGUS Project)

[WEBINAR ITB] Cooperation between ITB and Kyoto University in the SATREPS program with the theme “Beneficial Advanced Geothermal Use System (BAGUS Project)”. This webinar features several speakers, including: 1. Prof. Sudarto Notosiswoyo (KK FTTM Earth Resources Exploration) 2. Mohamad Nur Heriawan, Ph.D. (FTTM Earth Resources Exploration CoW) 3. Irwan Iskandar, Ph.D. (FTTM Earth Resources Exploration […]

Hakteknas 2020 : Health and Environmental Technology

Hakteknas 2020 : Health and Environmental Technology

Hakteknas 2020 Webinar Series with the topic: Health and Environmental Technology Saturday, October 17, 2020 13.00—15.00 Welcome Prof. Dr. Ir. Masyhur Irsyam MSE. (AIPI/PuSGeN/ITB) Prof. Dr. M. Aman Wirakartakusumah, M.Sc. (Chairman of KIR) Speaker: Prof. I Gede Wenten (Chemical Engineering – ITB) “Non-Modular Membrane Engineering: Indonesia’s Competitive Membrane Industry Development Efforts” Prof. Tati R. Mengko […]

Strengthening the Indonesian Climate Governance in Energy Sector towards Achieving the NDC Target

Strengthening the Indonesian Climate Governance in Energy Sector towards Achieving the NDC Target

Collaborative Research Project: Strengthen National Climate Policy Implementation: Comparative Empirical Learning & Creating Linkage to Climate Finance (SNAPFI) Climate Policy and Finance Talk 3: “Strengthening the Indonesian Climate Governance in Energy Sector towards Achieving the NDC Target” Organized by Climate Change Center ITB & DIW Berlin Speakers: 1. Prof. Harald Winkler [Head of SNAPFI South […]

Karsa Loka Vol. 01 “A Story from Village”

Gelar wicara bulanan konser Karsa Loka adalah ITB menggemakan konsep, pengalaman, serta peran ITB dalam membantu masalah di tengah masyarakat. LPPM ITB bekerja sama dengan Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB mengelola talkshow Karsa Loka dnegan menghadirkan aktivitas desa, sosial, etrepreneur, pemberdayaan desa dari berbagai bidang. Para tokoh akan berbagi ilmu serta praktik terbaik dalam Pemberdayaan […]

Completely Peel the Latest Research Publications in Nature Scientific Report

*EQ-Talk #4* Peel Completely the Latest Research Publications in the Nature Scientific Report “Implications for Megathrust Earthquakes and Tsunamis from Seismic Gaps South of Java Indonesia”. This EQ-Talk will be narrated directly by Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D, IPU as the first author, along with other co-authors. Day,Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Time: 15.30-16.30 […]