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Webinar Series

Grant Ceremony dan Seminar On Research Findings (LPPM ITB dan Asahi Glass Fundation)

Grant Ceremony dan Seminar On Research Findings (LPPM ITB dan Asahi Glass Fundation)

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) ITB and the Asahi Glass Foundation held an online Grant Ceremony and On Research Finding Seminar in the context of disseminating the results of research activities and providing grants from the Asahi Glass Foundation. Day, date: Monday, September 14, 2020 Time : 09.00-15.00 WIB Live broadcast on […]

Webinar – Stay Healthy, Fresh, and Productive During the Covid-19 Pandemic from an Ergonomics Point of View

Webinar – Stay Healthy, Fresh, and Productive During the Covid-19 Pandemic from an Ergonomics Point of View

FTI ITB held a webinar with the theme “Stay Healthy, Fresh, and Productive During the Covid-19 Pandemic from an Ergonomics Point of View”. Day, Date : Wednesday, September 9, 2020 Time: 13.30-15.30 WIB Registration: tiny.cc/WebinarFTISeptember Via Zoom and live broadcast on LPPM ITB’s YouTube channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vnpKVrZSNg  

Ngawangkong Purnama: Casual Discussion Sharing Knowledge, Planning, and Experience with Experts under the Light of the Full Moon

Ngawangkong Purnama: Casual Discussion Sharing Knowledge, Planning, and Experience with Experts under the Light of the Full Moon

Ngawangkong Purnama: Casual Discussion Sharing Knowledge, Planning, and Experience with Experts under Cahaya Purnama. Discussion Topic: “Utilization of Telematics for the Development of Collective Online Learning in Islamic Boarding Schools”. Speaker: Prof. Ir. Emir Mauludi Husni, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Researcher & Lecturer of STEI ITB) Dr. Ir. Ian Yosef (Researcher & Lecturer of STEI ITB) Day, […]

Webinar – Detection and Development of Diagnostic Techniques for SARS-CoV-2 (Series 1) – BSN

WEBINAR Deteksi dan Pengembangan Teknik Diagnostik SARS-CoV-2 (Seri 1) diselenggarakan atas kerjasama Badan Standardisasi Nasional, dan Kelompok Keahlian Genetika dan Bioteknologi Molekuler (KKGBM) – SITH ITB, beserta Groups Discussion Diagnostic Covid-19. Seri 1 : Tanggal 12 Juni 2020. Pukul 13.00 s.d 15.00 WIB Registrasi melalui: http://tiny.cc/DN12June20 1. Studi kasus diagnosa, dan pelacakan SARS-CoV-2 di Sumatra […]

Pesantren, Technology and Community Development Workshop

Pesantren, Technology and Community Development Workshop

The Institute for Research and Community Service Bandung Institute of Technology in collaboration with PW GP Ansor West Java and KMNU ITB held a Workshop on Islamic Boarding Schools, Technology and Community Development with the theme ” Development of Technology Utilization Strategy for Islamic Boarding School Empowerment and Community Benefits“. Speakers: Dr. Agus S. Ekomadyo […]

Webinar – “Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications (General Lecture Series)”

Webinar – “Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications (General Lecture Series)”

Chemistry Webinar with the theme “Mass Spectrometry: Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications (General Lecture Series)”. Speaker: Prof. Dr. Yana Maolana Syah (Organic Chemistry KK Lecturer, Chemistry Study Program, FMIPA ITB) Tuesday, June 30, 2020 10.30–12.00 Via Zoom (for 150 participants) and live broadcast on LPPM ITB’s YouTube channel Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=we28SD_RsR0 Registration: bit.ly/WebinarKimia2020 […]

Center for Environmental Studies – ITB “Webinars in the Framework of System Dynamics Training”

Center for Environmental Studies – ITB “Webinars in the Framework of System Dynamics Training”

Center for Environmental Studies – Bandung Institute of Technology held a Webinar with the theme “Webinars in the Framework of System Dynamic Training” (Monday, 22 June 2020, 09.00-10.30 WIB) Speaker: Luckmi Purwandari, S.T., M.Sc. (Director of Water Planning Control, KLHK) “Development of River Quality in Indonesia”. Moderators: Prof. Tjandra Setiadi, Ph.D. (Head of PSLH ITB, […]

Webinar – Notes from the Field “Ethnography in Art History and Museums”

Webinar – Notes from the Field “Ethnography in Art History and Museums”

Zoominar Notes from the Field with the theme “Ethnography in the History of Art and Museums”. Speaker: Aminuddin T.H. Siregar (The Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, FSRD ITB) Ajeng Ayu Arainikasih (Institute for History Leiden University, Department of Archeology UI) Moderators: Hari Nugroho (Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology Leiden University, Department of Sociology, UI) […]

Webinar – Unraveling Problems and Strategies to Improve Rural-Based Food Security in the COVID-19 Era

P2D ITB held a Webinar with the theme “Unraveling Problems and Strategies to Improve Rural-Based Food Security in the COVID-19 Era” Speaker: Prof. Ir. Zaenal Bachrudin, Ph.D. (Faculty of Animal Husbandry, UGM) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Firdaus (Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB) Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha (School of Biological Science and Technology, ITB) […]