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Focus Group Discussion LPPM ITB Vol 2 “Nickel Downstream Industries”

Focus Group Discussion LPPM ITB Vol 2 “Nickel Downstream Industries” Keynote Speakers: Dr. Zulfiadi Zulhan Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung Title: “Review of Laterite Nickel Ore Processing and Refining Technologies” Ir. Wilson Ginting, MM. General Manager Operation, PT IMIP Title: “Nickel downstream industries at IMIP Morowali as implementation of […]

Karsa Loka Vol. 007 (Spesial Ramadhan) “Lokakarya Pesantren: Social-Lab untuk Inovasi Berbasis Pertanian Terpadu”

LPPM ITB bekerjasama dengan Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB dan RMI NU menyelenggarakan gelar wicara bertajuk Karsa Loka Vol. 007 yang kali ini merupakan edisi Spesial Ramadhan dengan mengusung tema “Lokakarya Pesantren: Social-Lab untuk Inovasi Berbasis Pertanian Terpadu”. Sesi 1  – Pesantren dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Pemateri: 1. Angga Dwiartama, Ph.D. (SITH ITB): Islam dan Perubahan Masyarakat 2. […]

Workshop Series LPPM Vol. 03 “Hukum Sebagai Solusi dalam Kegiatan Pendidikan Tinggi”

Upaya ITB untuk menumbuhkan budaya ilmiah unggul dengan mengembangkan budaya riset yang kokoh mendorong sikap positif yang mencirikan budaya universitas riset. Tahun 2020 telah menjadi salah satu tonggak penting perjalanan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), dimana hingga saat ini ITB telah melakukan layanan pendidikan kepada Bangsa Indonesia selama 100 tahun. Oleh karena itu, arah pengembangan program […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol. 04 “Growing & Maintaining Innovation Culture”

Culture of research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium […]

Focus Group Discussion LPPM ITB Vol I “Biomass Thermal Conversion”

Bioenergy is currently the major global contributor of renewable energy. Biomass thermal conversion has a significant potential to enlarge in the production of electricity, heat, and fuels. In addition, energy from biomass can contribute significantly toward the purposes of not only alleviating problems related to climate change but also reducing greenhouse gas emissions. There are […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol. 03 “How to Sustain Research Excellence for Long Term”

Culture or research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The Culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium […]

Gelar Wicara ITB untuk Masyarakat Karsa Loka Vol. 006 : Pembangunan Desa Melalui Pendidikan Berbasis Pelibatan Aktif Kelompok Akar Rumput

LPPM ITB bekerjasama dengan Design Ethnography Lab. FSRD ITB mengelola gelar wicara bertajuk Karsa Loka dengan menghadirkan aktivis desa, sosial entrepreneur, pemberdayaan desa(local enabler) dari berbagai bidang. Para tokoh akan berbagi ilmu serta best practice dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui inovasi sains, seni dan teknologi tepat guna. Karsa Loka Vol. 006 mengusung tema “Pembangunan Desa Melalui […]

Workshop Series LPPM Vol. 02 “Transformasi Budaya Penelitian ITB”

Pengembangan ITB menjadi universitas riset telah dirintis dengan mengembangkan budaya riset yang kokoh mendukung tumbuhnya sikap yang mencirikan budaya universitas riset. Tahun 2020 telah menjadi salah satu tonggak penting perjalanan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), dimana hingga saat ini ITB telah melakukan layanan pendidikan kepada Bangsa Indonesia selama 100 tahun. Oleh karena itu, arah pengembangan program […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture: MIT – Indonesia Workshop on Research Culture

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture: MIT – Indonesia Workshop on Research Culture

We are glad to invite you to the Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture: MIT – Indonesia Workshop on Research Culture organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The event will be held on (Boston) Monday, 5 April 2021 / (Bandung) Tuesday, 6 April 2021. Indonesia research community, […]

Discussion Series on Excellent Research Culture Vol II: Japan Way

Culture of research excellence is streamed within the university activities. The culture is built at the respective institution based on their long-standing experience, such as best practice, consistency, failure, and success. The positive research culture will result in several values that give motivation and spirit for the continuation of research activities which become the medium […]