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PPM SITH ITB Saves Springs in Cisempur Village, Gunung Geulis Forest Area

Source: inisumedang.com</ a> – Form of community service PPM SITH ITB</ strong> to provide assistance to the conservation of springs in Cempur Village, Jatinangor District, around the Gunung Geulis Forest area. According to the head of PPM SITH ITB, Dr. Ir. Yooce Yustiana., M.Si Gunung Geulis has several springs spread over eleven villages around the […]

SBM-ITB and Food Bank Bandung Held a Socialization about Food Bank in Mekarjaya Village, Bandung

SBM-ITB and Food Bank Bandung Held a Socialization about Food Bank in Mekarjaya Village, Bandung

On Friday (9/4/2021), the School of Business and Management of the Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM-ITB) and the Food Bank Bandung through the LPPM-ITB community service program conducted a presentation on Food Bank in Mekarjaya Village, Bandung City. This activity was attended by 16 Posyandu Cadres from 11 RW and Head of Working Groups 3 […]

The ITB Team Provides Batik Training to Buti Residents, Samkai Village, Merauke

The ITB Team Provides Batik Training to Buti Residents, Samkai Village, Merauke

In the context of economic recovery for the 2021 period, the ITB team carried out community service to increase the productivity of MSMEs in Buti Village, Samkai Village, Merauke Regency, Papua. The activities carried out were providing training on gutta tamarin techniques for 3 days. The gutta tamarin technique is the development of the latest […]

SBM ITB with Food Bank Bandung Holds a Webinar on the Establishment of a Circular and Integrated Food Bank Ecosystem in the City of Bandung

SBM ITB with Food Bank Bandung Holds a Webinar on the Establishment of a Circular and Integrated Food Bank Ecosystem in the City of Bandung

Authors: Miranda Bethseba Gabriela and Muchammad Gumilang Pramuwidayatama Bandung, 20 March 2021 – School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM-ITB) and Food Bank Bandung (Yayasan Access Mandiri Pangan) through a community service program supported by the Institute for Research and Community Service ITB (LPPM-ITB) held a webinar for the general public entitled […]

Community Building Program Through Art for Sunda Strait Tsunami Survivors in Kec. Sumur, Kab. Pandeglang, Banten

Community Building Program Through Art for Sunda Strait Tsunami Survivors in Kec. Sumur, Kab. Pandeglang, Banten

Team Leader Ardhana Riswarie, MA., AThR. Team Member Eljihadi Alfin, S.Ds. Research Assistant/Student Bimanda D. Sahara Kidung K. Wulandari Kevin Jordanus M. Aditya Wisesha Meutia Afifah Anggi J.A. Aveneina Yasshirly Amria Gabriela N. Tridevi Nadya S. Putri Julian P. Ridwan Dena Isni Pasha Syahfiro H. Sareh Hanif Fauzi Location : Kec. Sumur, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Banten […]

ITB Holds Virtual Research, Innovation, and Community Service Exhibition (PRIMA ITB 2020)

ITB Holds Virtual Research, Innovation, and Community Service Exhibition (PRIMA ITB 2020)

Different from previous years, the annual exhibition of research, innovation and community service at ITB this time was held virtually and was named PRIMA ITB 2020. Through this dissemination activity, it is hoped that the public will get information about the results of research activities, community service, and innovation. in ITB. PRIMA ITB 2020 is […]

River Pollution Early Warning Monitoring Tool Successfully Tried

The problem of water pollution is a challenge for the availability of water to meet human needs and support ecosystems. Rivers as a source of water face the threat of quality degradation caused by the discharge of solid and liquid waste from households and industries. In conserving and maintaining water quality standards and controlling water […]

Utilization of Technology in Islamic Boarding Schools as a Community Empowerment Locomotive

Utilization of Technology in Islamic Boarding Schools as a Community Empowerment Locomotive

Islamic boarding schools can play a major role in community empowerment efforts. With cultural capital, pesantren can change people’s behavior towards a better life, including the use of technology. Realizing this great potential, the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) seeks to encourage the use of technology […]

Appropriate Technology when Facing a Critical Pandemic Period

Appropriate Technology when Facing a Critical Pandemic Period

The COVID-19 PANDEMIC, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), will not go away in the near future. In our daily life, the use of personal protective equipment, such as cloth masks, is then recommended to at least reduce the risk of transmission and overcome the increasing need for medical masks. Availability of medical equipment, […]