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ITB Develops Sterilization Cabin for N-95 masks

ITB Develops Sterilization Cabin for N-95 masks

Renewable Energy Laboratory Team, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD), Bandung Institute of Technology chaired by Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono developed the Sterilization Cabin for N-95 masks. This Sterilization Cabin is manufactured for delivery to Dr. Hospital. Hasan Sadikin Bandung and Dustira Cimahi Hospital. The sterilization cabin is expected to be able to sterilize […]

Press Release: An Appeal to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus for the ITB Academic Community

Press Release: An Appeal to Prevent the Spread of Corona Virus for the ITB Academic Community

SIARAN PERS No. 146b/I1.B05/LL/2020 HIMBAUAN PENCEGAHAN PENYEBARAN VIRUS CORONA BAGI CIVITAS AKADEMIKA ITB Wabah virus Novel Corona dari Cina atau dinamai 2019-nCoV sedang mengkhawatirkan banyak pihak akhir-akhir ini. Virus yang tercatat penyebaran pertama kalinya di Wuhan, Cina itu kini dilaporkan telah menyebar ke berbagai negara. Sebagaimana diketahui, virus Corona adalah virus baru penyebab penyakit saluran […]

Water Quality Monitoring System in Citarum Basin Industrial Environment

Water Quality Monitoring System in Citarum Basin Industrial Environment

Chief of the Implementation Team Prof. Brian Yuliarto, ST. M.Eng., Ph.D Implementing Team Member Andean Pradana Listya Utari Location : Industrial environment for Citarum watershed, Karawang Regency and Bandung Regency Partner : PT Sensor Teknologi Indonesia (SENSYNC) Source: PM 2019 Final Report (Prof. Brian Yuliarto, ST. M.Eng., Ph.D)

LPPM ITB Sharing Session: “Extreme Rainfall Events in Jabodetabek in Early 2020”

LPPM ITB held a sharing session with the topic “Extreme Rainfall Events in Greater Jakarta in Early 2020” on January 10, 2020 which took place in the Auditorium Hall of the Campus Building East Center ITB. This event presented Dr. Tri Wahyu Hadi, M.Sc. and the Research Team of P3MI KK Atmospheric Science – FITB […]

Cattle Breeder Assistance Program in Processing Cow Manure into Biogas and Liquid Fertilizer in the Jatinangor Area in the Context of Reducing Pollution in the Upper Citarum River

Cattle Breeder Assistance Program in Processing Cow Manure into Biogas and Liquid Fertilizer in the Jatinangor Area in the Context of Reducing Pollution in the Upper Citarum River

Chief of the Implementation Team Dr. Taufikurahman Implementing Team Member Dr. Eri Mustari Research Assistant/Student Zelika Rizki Noviana, S.I. Kom Iffah D. Haniefa, S.Si. Source: PM 2019 Final Report (Dr. Taufikurahman)

Development of WebGIS in Cinangsi Village, Cianjur Regency to Support the Harum Citarum Program

Development of WebGIS in Cinangsi Village, Cianjur Regency to Support the Harum Citarum Program

Head of the Implementation Team Dr. Ir. Agung Budi Harto, M.Sc. Implementing Team Member Dr. Riantini Vitriana Research Member/Student Dr. Lissa Fajri Yayusman Dirga Iman Gozali Sumantri, ST. Dina Noviana R., ST. Execution Time : 1 March 2019 untill. November 30, 2019 Location : Cinangsi Village, Cikalongkulon District, Cianjur Regency Source: PM 2019 Final Report […]

Development of Land Institutional Model in Earthquake Affected Areas in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province

Development of Land Institutional Model in Earthquake Affected Areas in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province

Chief of the Implementation Team Dr. rer. pol. Rizqi Abdulharis, ST, M.Sc. Implementing Team Member Dr. Irwan Meilano, ST., M.Sc. Alfita Puspa Handayani, ST., MT. Research Member/Student Ivan Akbar, B.Sc., MT Location : Montong Hamlet, Jenggala Village, Tanjung District, North Lombok Regency Teluk Nara Hamlet, Melaka Village, Winner District, North Lombok Regency Krujuk Hamlet, West […]

Exhibition of Works and Innovation Products in Commemoration of the 58th Anniversary of ITB

Exhibition of Works and Innovation Products in Commemoration of the 58th Anniversary of ITB

Bandung Institute of Technology, in order to commemorate the 58th ITB Anniversary, held an Exhibition of Works and Innovation Products, located in the West Hall of the ITB Campus on Sunday, March 5, 2017. In this exhibition, ITB displayed 37 booths consisting of 12 Faculty/Faculty booths. Schools, 8 central booths, 3 booths for the Center […]



Referring to the Regulation of the Board of Directors of BPJS Health Number 40 of 2016 concerning the Joint Research Guidelines for BPJS Health and the 2014-2019 National Health Insurance (JKN) Roadmap, it is stated that BPJS Health is mandated to conduct research or studies, including in the form of collaboration with competent public and […]

ITB Poster Exhibition of Research and Community Service

ITB Poster Exhibition of Research and Community Service

Dalam rangka diseminasi hasil Program Riset ITB dan Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ITB tahun 2016, LPPM ITB telah menyelenggarakan Pameran Poster Program Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ITB 2016 yang dilaksanakan pada Hari Rabu, tanggal 21 Desember 2016, bertempat di Gedung CRCS ITB Lt. 3, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung. Pameran kegiatan dibuka langsung oleh […]