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Acceptance of Scientific Research Program Proposals

Acceptance of Scientific Research Program Proposals

Acceptance of Scientific Research Program Proposals

Referring to the letter of the Director of Resources of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, Ministry of Education, Research Culture, and Technology Number 2660/E4/AK.04/2021, regarding the Notification of Acceptance of the 2021 Scientific Research Program Proposal, we hereby convey that in In order to improve the quality of lecturers in higher education and synergize research development through the activities of the Merdeka Campus, the Directorate of Resources, the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology, it provides opportunities for lecturers to participate in the Scientific Research Program.

The requirements for applying for a Scientific Research Program grant are as follows:

  1. The Head of Research has a NIDN/NIDK with a minimum education of S2 and a functional position of Lector or S3 education
  2. The research team consists of one chairman with 1 or 2 members from the same university or other universities,
  3. The research team involved 5 to 10 students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, with a maximum proportion of masters and doctoral students of 20% of the number of students involved,
  4. The research team has or is carrying out Independent Campus activities, either the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology program or the university’s internal Merdeka Campus program.

For lecturers who meet the requirements above, they can create an account and upload proposals and all required documents according to the latest Scientific Research Program Guidelines on the https://beasiswadosen.kemdikbud.go.id/risetkeilmuan” page. /beasiswadosen.kemdikbud.go.id/risetkeilmuan from 17 to 29 August 2021. Guidelines and proposal formats can be obtained through the LPPM website (www.lppm.itb.ac.id ).

To submit the signature of the Chairman of LPPM, the proposers can contact Mr. Adnan (WA: 08993687455 / Email: adnan@lppm.itb.ac.id</a >)
Letter of Acceptance for the 2021 Scientific Research Program Proposal
Scientific Research Guide</a >
Registration Technical Guide
Guidelines for Preparation Research RAB

Supporting documents :