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Application for the Progress Report of the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program in 2021

Application for the Progress Report of the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program in 2021

Application for the Progress Report of the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program in 2021

Referring to the 2021 Research Program Implementation Agreement, we hereby convey the requirements for Phase II disbursement of 30% for the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program as follows:

  • Progress Report in soft copy
  • Financial Statements attached with proof of receipt in the form of soft copy
  • Logbook / diary of research activities attached to progress report

In this regard, we request you to immediately complete the requirements for Phase II disbursement. The Progress Report Format can be obtained through the LPPM website (https://www.lppm.itb.ac.id //a>). Soft copy progress report uploaded online via Research Program Management System (http:// research.itb.ac.id/) no later than 23 August 2021.

In addition, we also inform you that for the monitoring and evaluation activities of the Indonesian Collaborative Research Research (RKI) in 2021 it will be held on 27-28 August 2021 through the teleconference media using the Zoom Meeting application. >. We will inform you about the full schedule later.

Application Letter for Progress Report RKI 2021
Guidelines for Writing Progress Reports RKI 2021_ITB