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Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2021

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2021

Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2021

Following up on the letter from the Chairman of LPPM number 1333/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2021 dated April 26, 2021 regarding Acceptance of the ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Proposal in 2021, we hereby inform you that LPPM ITB has received 9 proposals proposed to be funded through the 2021 ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship program. Based on the feasibility assessment of the proposals and the selection process, 8 proposals were approved for funding. The detailed list of recipients for the 2021 ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship program is presented in the appendix.

Fund recipients are requested to send the Budget and Cost Plan (RAB) via email address edi@lppm.itb.ac.id no later than date 8 June 2021.

Letter of Determination of Fund Recipients for ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2021
List of Recipients of ITB Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Proposal Fund 2021