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Development of Land Institutional Model in Earthquake Affected Areas in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province

Development of Land Institutional Model in Earthquake Affected Areas in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province

Development of Land Institutional Model in Earthquake Affected Areas in North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province

Chief of the Implementation Team
Dr. rer. pol. Rizqi Abdulharis, ST, M.Sc.

Implementing Team Member
Dr. Irwan Meilano, ST., M.Sc.
Alfita Puspa Handayani, ST., MT.

Research Member/Student
Ivan Akbar, B.Sc., MT

Location :
Montong Hamlet, Jenggala Village, Tanjung District, North Lombok Regency
Teluk Nara Hamlet, Melaka Village, Winner District, North Lombok Regency
Krujuk Hamlet, West Winner Village, Pemenang District, West Lombok Regency

Source: PM 2019 Final Report (Dr. rer. pol. Rizqi Abdulharis, ST, M.Sc.)