Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship is intended to be an effective channel of communications and knowledge sharing among various types of stakeholder interested in the study of innovation, business and entrepreneurship, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. While theoretical aspects are considered as important, the journal, however, tends to be focussed more on practical aspects of innovation, business and entrepreneurship. A distinctive feature of the journal is in addressing issues of innovation, business and entrepreneurship in start-ups and micro/small-and-medium enterprises located in developing countries, in particular the ones that are in the ASEAN region.
The journal deals with topics such as on the criticality of innovation for companies, how innovation emerges in particular companies, how creativity plays a critical role for innovation, how the business model is developed, how new product development is managed, how start-ups can be managed efficiently and effectively from an operations perspective, how the commercialization of the new product is effectively managed, how start-ups can penetrate to the market and increase their market share, what organisational aspects influence the success of entrepreneurship and innovation (e.g., human capital, decision making, organisation structure, project management), how financial aspects are addressed in activities related to innovation and entrepreneurship, how institution influences entrepreneurship, what kinds of the business ecosystem that are favourable for start-ups, and what appropriate government policies that foster innovation, business and entrepreneurship. The targeted readers of this journal are student, researcher, practitioner and policymaker who are interested in issues of innovation, business and entrepreneurship in start-ups and small-and-medium enterprises located in developing countries. The journal publishes both original empirical research and conceptual papers.
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