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Jurnal Sosioteknologi

jurnal sosioteknologi

Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a journal that focuses on articles that discuss results of an intersection of research fields of science, technology, arts, and humanities as well as the implications of science, technology, and arts on society. It is published three times a year in April, August, and December. Jurnal Sosioteknologi is a collection of articles that discuss research results, conceptual ideas, studies, application of theories, and book reviews. Jurnal Sosioteknologi has been accreditated by Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 60/E/KPT/2016, 13 November 2016, with grade “B”. Jurnal Sosioteknologi has been indexed by Crossref, Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Google Scholar, CiteFactor, Citerseerx, OCLC Worldcat, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), SINTA (Science and Technology Index) (Sinta Score 2) , Base Search, Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (ISJD), neliti, and Indonesian Publication Index (IPI)/Portal Garuda. Since 2016 Jurnal Sosioteknologi has established collaboration with Ahli dan Dosen Republik Indonesia (ADRI) Jawa Barat and Himpunan Sarjana Kesusasteraan Indonesia (HISKI) Jawa Barat. Indexation by Google Scholar h-index: 9 ( Google Scholar).ISSN: 1858-3474 E-ISSN: 2443-258X

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