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PPM SITH ITB Saves Springs in Cisempur Village, Gunung Geulis Forest Area

PPM SITH ITB Saves Springs in Cisempur Village, Gunung Geulis Forest Area

Source: inisumedang.com</ a> – Form of community service PPM SITH ITB</ strong> to provide assistance to the conservation of springs in Cempur Village, Jatinangor District, around the Gunung Geulis Forest area.

According to the head of PPM SITH ITB, Dr. Ir. Yooce Yustiana., M.Si Gunung Geulis has several springs spread over eleven villages around the mountain area. One of the villages with the greatest potential for water discharge from springs is Cisepur Village. However, the problem faced is that during the dry season there is a significant reduction in water discharge so that it cannot meet the community’s water needs.

“Discharge and water quality from springs are closely related to the sustainability of forest ecosystems around springs. Damage to forest ecosystems around the springs will have a negative impact on people’s lives. Especially if the spring is the only source used by the community,” he said.

Ecosystem damage is a major problem that must be studied in conserving water resources. Conservation efforts will run well if there is cooperation between the government and the community. ITB as an educational institution participates in providing training to increase public awareness of the importance of forest ecosystem conservation to manage sustainable springs.

“The implementation of the community service program carried out in Cisempur Gunung Geulis Village is chaired by Dr. Ir. Yooce Yustiana., M.Si from SITH ITB and aims to increase public knowledge about conservation management of forest areas as water catchment areas. Increase public knowledge in understanding the function of springs and their benefits for the welfare of life so that water can be used wisely,” he said.

The target is that the community in Cisempur Village can get a sustainable supply of clean water, there is an increase in the understanding of the community of water groups in managing and maintaining their water sources, and water can be distributed fairly and evenly among group members.

This Community Service is carried out in two series of activities, namely training and tree planting. This training was held at the Cisempur Village Hall (13/06/21). A warm welcome as well as the opening of the event was given by the Secretary of Cisempur Village (Mr. Yani) and Dr. Ir. Yooce Yustiana., M.Si as a representative of SITH ITB. Then it was continued by giving material by four lecturers from SITH ITB (Dr. Sofiatin, S.Hut., M.Si</ a> , Dr. Hikmat Ramdan, S.Hut., M.Si , Dr. Ir. Yooce Yustiana., M.Si , and Dr. Mulyaningrum, S.Hut., M.Si) to the participants consisting of the Head of the TBM Water Group and members, as well as the head of the Cisempur village farmer group and members .

The training materials provided include Spring Conservation Management, Land Conservation Protecting Life, Functions and Economic Benefits of Springs, and Spring Source Conservation Institutions. Discussions, evaluations, and games were also held to enliven the event. All series of activities are carried out while adhering to health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic so that the event continues to run smoothly.

The results obtained based on the results of the evaluation carried out during the training, namely, 83% of the members of the TBM water group increased their knowledge of how to manage forest areas as water catchment areas which are a source of water to meet their daily needs. 100% of TBM water group members understand the function of water sources in improving their welfare, on average 80% of their water needs are met from springs, but only 55% of water group members agree to provide compensation for the water they get, with a willingness to pay Rp. 1000-3000 per m3.

“The second activity is planting 1000 coffee trees in the area around the Sirahcai Spring, Cisempur Village, on June 20, 2021 and August 04, 2021. Planting coffee trees in the area around the spring is aimed at land conservation so that the process of capturing water by forest ecosystems and coffee plants will be optimal. The planting of 1000 coffee trees for conservation is carried out by water groups and farmer groups in Cisempur Village, who are training participants,” he said.

As is known, water is an essential need for human life. Human needs for water can be obtained from various sources, both in the form of rainwater, surface water, and ground water. One of the sources for obtaining groundwater is through springs.

Spring is an event of the appearance of groundwater to the ground surface that occurs as a result of the ground water level being cut off, so that at that point groundwater comes out as springs or seepage. The need for water obtained from springs is very real when there is a long dry season.