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Seminar on Research Results of the 2010 IA ITB Research Grant Program

Seminar on Research Results of the 2010 IA ITB Research Grant Program

In the context of implementing the process of monitoring and evaluating research activities, LPPM ITB will hold a Seminar on Research Results of the 2010 IA ITB Research Grant Program which will be held on:

Day, date    : Tuesday, May 4, 2010.
Time             : 08.00 – 12.00
Location           : Auditorium Campus Center
East Campus Center Building
Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung

In this seminar, all researchers who are recipients of the 2009-2010 Alumni Association Research Grant Program will present their research results which have been funded by the ITB Alumni Association in the 2009-2010 period.

This seminar activity is open to all researchers and students both from ITB and from outside ITB. Participants who are interested in participating in this activity can register with the secretariat of the Committee for Research Results Seminar Research Grants ITB Alumni Association 2010. Participants are free of charge to participate in this seminar.


  1. Dr. rer. grout. Bobby Eka Gunara, M. Si (High Energy Theoretical Physics and Instrumentation KK FMIPA)
    Black Hole Geometry and Morse Theory in N=1 Supergravity
  2. Dr. Moedji Raharto (KK Astronomy FMIPA)
    A Study of Sky Brightness, Contrast and Hilal Visibility Group
  3. Dr. Sparisoma Viridi (KK Nuclear Physics and Biophysics – FMIPA)
    Brazil Nut Effect and Its Reverse in Two Dimension: Registering Transition Parameters using Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Building a Simple Mode
  4. Dr.Achmad Munir (Telecommunication Engineering KK STEI)
    Compact Ultra-Thin Microwave Radar Absorber Using Textured Surface Technology
  5. Prof. Andriyan B. Suksmono, MT., Ph.D. (KK Telecommunication Engineering STEI)
    Sparse Deconvolution and Compressive Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy
  6. Ir. Eko M. Budi, MT. (KK Instrumentation and Control FTI)
    Enabling World Class Research by High Performance Computing
  7. Dr. Sandro Mihradi (KK Engineering Design FTMD)
    Development of an Integrated System for Human Gait Analysis with Application in Medical Rehabilitation and Prosthesis Design
  8. Dr. Gede Suantika (KK Ecology and Biosystematics SITH)
    Development and Application of Periphyton Biofilter Technology for Productivity Improvement of The Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) Culture
  9. Prof. Dr. Sri Widiyantoro (KK Geophysics Science and Engineering FTTM)
    Integrated Analysis of Seismic Hazard Potential of The Java Island
  10. Dr. Mutiara Rachmat Putri, S.Si., M.Si. (Oceanography KK – FITB)
    Development of Larval Dispersal Model for Sustainable Fishery Management Plans in The Sunda Shelf

Committee Secretariat:

ITB Rectorate Building Lt. 5, Jalan Tamansari No. 64 Bandung
Tel. : 022-2501759, 2503602, 2511215
E-mail : qa@lppm.itb.ac.id; ian@lppm.itb.ac.id
u.p Selvi Amriani/Dian Sumardiana