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Workshop Series – Law as a Solution in Higher Education Activities

Workshop Series – Law as a Solution in Higher Education Activities

ITB’s efforts to foster a superior scientific culture by developing a strong research culture encourage a positive attitude that characterizes the research university culture. The year 2020 has become one of the important milestones in the journey of the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), where until now ITB has provided educational services to the Indonesian nation for 100 years. Therefore, the direction of the development of the Research and Community Service program of ITB has an important position in guiding ITB’s journey towards the next 100 years.

The preparation of the direction for the development of Research and Community Service ITB for the period 2021 2025 is based on a number of ITB policies that cannot be separated from the existing legal regulations at ITB. For example, the Regulation of the Academic Senate on Research Priorities, Master Plan Development (RENIP) ITB 2006 – 2025, Supplement to RENIP 2020-2025, Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) ITB 2021 – 2025. The policy-making process in accordance with legal aspects needs to be a lesson learned for ITB academic community.

LPPM ITB held a Workshop Series LPPM ITB Vol III with the theme “Law as a Solution in Higher Education Activities”

Resource person: I Wayan Gunada, M.H. (Head of ITB Law Office)
Moderator: Emilia Fitriana Dewi, S.H., M.A.B. (Lecturer of SBM ITB)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021
09.00-11.00 WIB
Via Zoom and YouTube LPPM ITB
Zoom Link: http://bit.ly/WSL3ITB