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Grant Ceremony & Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by The Asahi Glass Foundation 2011

Grant Ceremony & Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by The Asahi Glass Foundation 2011

Poster Asahi 2011

Dalam rangka pelaksanaan diseminasi hasil kegiatan penelitian, The Asahi Glass Foundation bekerjasama dengan LPPM ITB akan mengadakan acara Grant Ceremony & Seminar on Research Findings Assisted by The Asahi Glass Foundation 2011 yang akan diselenggarakan pada :


Hari/Tanggal : Jum’at, 5 Agustus 2011
Waktu : 12.30 – 16.00
Tempat : Ruang Auditorium Gedung Campus Centre Timur, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung


Kegiatan seminar ini terbuka untuk seluruh peneliti dan mahasiswa baik dari ITB maupun dari luar ITB terutama yang berasal dari bidang keilmuan Materials Sciences, Life Sciences, Information Sciences and Automatic Control, Environment, and Energy.


Bagi peserta yang berminat mengikuti kegiatan ini dapat mendaftarkan diri ke sekretariat panitia. Peserta tidak dipungut biaya untuk mengikuti kegiatan seminar ini.



  1. The Development of a Framework for e-Commerece Systems Adoption to Increase the Competitiveness of Indonesian SMEs by Dr. Rajesri Govindaraju (Industrial System and Techno-Economics – FTI)

  2. Planar Microstrip Reflectary Antenna for Direct Broadcast Satellite Application by Dr. Achmad Munir (Telecommunication Engineering – STEI)

  3. Metal-Catalyzed Carbonylative Polymerization of Undecenol Derived from Castor Oil: Polyesters Made From Plant Seeds by Dr. Yessi Permana (Inorganic and Physical Chemistry – FMIPA)

  4. Study of Fabrication and Phototvoltavic Characteristics of The Inverted Type of Solar Cells Based on ZnO Nanoparticle and Conjugated Polymers by Dr. Rachmat Hidayat (Physics of Magneticsm and Photonics – FMIPA)

  5. Solar Cell from Wide Absortion Band Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Nanoparticles Prepared by Spraying Method by Prof.Dr.Mikrajuddin Abdullah (Physics of Electronic Materials – FMIPA)

  6. Study on Causes and Impacts of Land Subsidence in Bandung Basin by Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin (Geodesy – FITB)

  7. Preparation of Biodegradable Polymers electrolyte for Lithium Batteries from Styrofoam Waste by Prof. Dr. I Made Arcana (Inorganic and Physical Chemistry – FMIPA)

  8. Appraisal of Eroded Cays in Seribu Islands of Jakarta Thorough Seasonal Mapping of Movement of Sand Cover Extents by Dr. Poerbandono (Hydrographic Science and Engineering – FITB)

  9. Design and Implementation of Robust Control for Networked Control Systems via Linear Matrix Inequalities Approach by Prof. Dr. Bambang Riyanto (Control System and Computer – STEI)

  10. Small Format Aerial Photography System for quick Information Acquisition Over Disaster Affected Area by Dr. Bobby Santoso Dipokusumo (Remote Sensing & Geographical Information Sciences – FITB)

  11. Raw Starch Degrading a-Amylase from Kakaban Landlocked Marine Lake Isolates by Dessy Natalia, PhD (Biochemistry – FMIPA)

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Sekretariat Panitia:

Gedung Rektorat ITB  Lt. 5, Jalan Tamansari No. 64 Bandung
Telp.  : 022-2501759, 2500939
E-mail : selvi@lppm.itb.ac.id; ian@lppm.itb.ac.id
u.p  Selvi Amriani/Dian Sumardiana