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The development of heart rate variability analysis software for detection of individual autonomic response on music and Quran recitation

Rezal M.a, Jannis J.b, Mengko T.L.R.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
b Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


Music is closely related to the psychological status of human. Besides, the Quran recitation could give equanimity to most of Islamic faith holders. Both of those stimuli are being the daily activities of most of Indonesian people. We investigated the effect of those stimuli on autonomic activity by analyzing heart rate variability (HRV). The research was done by two stages, which are the making of the new software named Analisator HRV v 1.0, then such experimentation to utilize it. We develop the software due to originality and the ability of comparison of two data concurrently. One of new released feature is the autonomic response graphic plot. The alteration of spectral parameters LF, HF and LF/HF change were observed on 12 postgraduate students after given four stages of stimuli. The music are divided into two criteria, soft and hard type. The analyses of subjects were done by two ways, which are based on stimulus and individual. We obtained the results that soft-type music could give sympathomimetic effect (LF up), whereas hardtype one could give sympatholitic effect (LF down). Parasympatholitic effects are found on all of external auditory stimuli. Comparing to music, Quran recitation could give higher autonomic response. We concluded that our software is very helpful to further autonomic response researches on other auditory stimuli. © 2009 IEEE.

Author keywords

Auditory stimuli,Autonomic activity,Daily activity,Graphic plots,Heart rate variability,Postgraduate students,Spectral parameters,Two stage

Indexed keywords

Autonomic response,Heart rate variability,Music,Parasympathetic,Quran recitation,Software,Sympathetic

Funding details