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Design and implementation infrared guitar based on playing chords

Setiyono R.a, Prihatmanto A.S.a, Rusmin P.H.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


Infrared Guitar is a musical instrument that belongs to the Digital Musical Instruments (DMI). This guitar uses infrared light instead of strings and chords. This guitar is one of the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), which can result in the form of MIDI sound in real-time. Infrared Guitar input consists of two parts, namely the strings and the chord. Both parts are used as an infrareds transmitter and photodiodes as a receiver. When your finger blocking infrared rays received by photodiodes, the output will change. The combination of these two parts of the input will be processed by a microcontroller and then the data is sent to the computer. The computer will process the data and will produce guitar tones in the form of MIDI sound on the speakers. The advantages of Infrared Guitar is easy to play, because one guitar chord can be played using one finger to press a virtual button (infrared). Players do not need to memorize chord guitar to play songs. Another advantage is the players are not feeling the pressure of strong strings as in conventional guitar, so it does not cause pain to the fingers after playing for long. © 2012 IEEE.

Author keywords

chord,Infrared light,Infrared rays,MIDI,virtual button

Indexed keywords

chord,HCI,Infrared Guitar,MIDI,virtual button

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