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Verification of sail-flight testing procedures of wing-in-surface effect craft on engineering flight simulator

Jatiningrum D.a, Jenie Y.I.b, Muhammad H.b, Pasaribu H.M.b

a Center for Industrial Technology and System of Transportation, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia
b Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia


This paper presents subject of Sail-Flight Test Program constructed for the Wing in Surface Effect Craft (WiSE) 8 ‘Undan’, which is conducted on the WiSE Engineering Flight Simulator (WiSE-EFS). This paper discusses the result and evaluation of test data, and compares it with the predicted performance of a WiSE Craft. The program includes: On-water maneuvering test, Take-off and Landing, In- Ground Effect (IGE) cruise, IGE maneuvering, Out-of-Ground Effect (OGE) Cruise and OGE maneuvering. The configurations subjected to variation are the fuel, center of gravity, and the aileron-rudder interconnection system. Several failures are also induced, including engine and flight control system failures. The result and findings, along with the experience in sail-flight testing a WiSE craft, are described in the end of this paper.

Author keywords

Center of gravity,Evaluation of test,Flight control,Interconnection systems,Predicted performance,Surface effect,Test program,Testing procedure

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