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Design and implementation of wireless sensor network on Ground movement Detection System

Salam R.A.a, Islamy M.R.F.a, Munir M.M.a, Yuliza E.a, Khairurrijala, Irsyam M.a

a Theoretical High Energy Physics and Instrumentation Research Division, Research Center for Disaster Mitigation, Institut Tenologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2015 IEEE.The raise of land usage and human population increase the number of areas which are prone to landslide disaster. Real time monitoring system on these risk areas can minimize the losses caused by it. One physical phenomenon that can be observed from this disaster is ground movements. This paper discusses about the implementation of wireless sensor network for real time ground movement monitoring. The system consists of Inclinometer, GPS, Xbee Pro, SIM900 and a 9 V power supply. To detect the ground movement, the system used inclinometer sensor. The calibration was done using a homemade tilt calibrator. Xbee pro was used as node transmission system with star topology and then SIM900 was used as a transmitter between the coordinator with the server. The system additionally used GPS to show the position of node and to detect the occurrence of landslide at certain area. Code igniter was used to build web server so that the data can be accessed in real time. From the test, it was shown that the system could detect the ground movement and the observation data was sent to the server precisely.

Author keywords

Design and implementations,Early warning,Ground movement,Node transmission,Physical phenomena,Position of node,Real time,Real time monitoring system

Indexed keywords

Early Warning,Ground movement,Landslide,Real time,Wireless Sensor Network

Funding details