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Educational game design on Pythagorean theorem for game based learning using 6i’s component

Nugraha H.C.a, Rusmin P.H.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2015 IEEE.In the implementation of kurikulum 2013 in Indonesia, some obstacles have been found, such as: the dissemination of teacher quality index which is still in a half of the maximum score of quality index (Ditjen PMPTK, 2009); lack number of teachers in 34% of its schools (World Bank, 2007); and 54% of its teachers that lack of sufficient qualification in teaching (Kemendiknas, 2010). The research aimed at gaining the feasibility of the educational game design for game-based learning using 6I’s component method in mathematics subject focusing on Pythagoras. The research methodology consisted of material analysis, system and lesson planning, implementation, and system evaluation. Based on the result, it concluded that the use of educational game in learning Pythagorean Theorem could improve the student understanding about the subject matter.

Author keywords

6I’s Component,Component methods,Game-based Learning,Material analysis,Pythagorean theorem,Research methodologies,Serious games,System evaluation

Indexed keywords

6I’s Component,game-based learning,Mathematics,serious game,serious game design

Funding details