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Designing gamification for taxi booking system (Case study: Bandung smart transportation system)

Supriyantoa, Hindersah H.a, Prihatmanto A.S.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia


© 2015 IEEE.Traffic congestion is one of the main problems in the transportation system. This continues to happen because road capacity is no longer able to accommodate the number of vehicles, while the number of vehicles continues to increase every year. Based on statistical data sourced from the Indonesian National Police, the number of private vehicles increased significantly each year. People prefer to use private vehicles to travel. Security issues, comfort, and travel expenses flexibility are the reason they prefer to use private vehicles. Taxi should be a solution for them, because taxi is more flexible, convenient, and safe compared to other public transportation. But the problems of security and ease of access that back into obstacles. Bandung Smart Transportation System (BSTS) is present as one of technology Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) use Bandung City as a case study. BSTS is a system developed with the aim to collect all traffic information integrated with the transport system infrastructure and manage information centrally. This research discusses the designing of gamification system in a taxi booking service. Aims to increase the interest, motivation, loyalty and further the public to continue using BSTS and use public transportation. If peoples more interested in public transportation, expected to reduce the use of private vehicles. So the number of vehicles can be reduced and traffic arrangements can be run better as it can be ascertained that the drivers on the road is a professional driver.

Author keywords

gamication,Intelligent transportation systems,Professional drivers,Public transportation,Taxi booking services,Traffic arrangements,Transport system infrastructures,Transportation system

Indexed keywords

gamication,Intelligent Transportation System,taxi booking service,traffic congestion,Traffic control

Funding details