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Implementation of Dryden Continuous Turbulence Model into Simulink for LSA-02 Flight Test Simulation

Ichwanul Hakim T.M.a, Arifianto O.b

a LAPAN, Bandung Institute of Technology, TU Berlin, Germany
b Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Turbulence is a movement of air on small scale in the atmosphere that caused by instabilities of pressure and temperature distribution. Turbulence model is integrated into flight mechanical model as an atmospheric disturbance. Common turbulence model used in flight mechanical model are Dryden and Von Karman model. In this minor research, only Dryden continuous turbulence model were made. Dryden continuous turbulence model has been implemented, it refers to the military specification MIL-HDBK-1797. The model was implemented into Matlab Simulink. The model will be integrated with flight mechanical model to observe response of the aircraft when it is flight through turbulence field. The turbulence model is characterized by multiplying the filter which are generated from power spectral density with band-limited Gaussian white noise input. In order to ensure that the model provide a good result, model verification has been done by comparing the implemented model with the similar model that is provided in aerospace blockset. The result shows that there are some difference for 2 linear velocities (vg and wg), and 3 angular rate (pg, qg and rg). The difference is instantly caused by different determination of turbulence scale length which is used in aerospace blockset. With the adjustment of turbulence length in the implemented model, both model result the similar output.

Author keywords

Atmospheric disturbance,Gaussian white noise,Mechanical model,Military specification,Model verification,Pressure and temperature,Turbulence fields,Turbulence scale

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