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Three-dimensional collision avoidance control for UAVs using kinematic-based collision threat situation modeling approach

Sudiyanto T.a, Trilaksono B.R.a, Budiyono A.b, Adiprawita W.a

a School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
b Bhimasena Research and Development Center, Bandung, Indonesia


© 2018, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. All rights reserved.Two approaches of collision avoidance (CA) control design are discussed: the stochastic process-based CA and the reactive CA. We believe that the well-established stochastic process-based CA that has been widely used in general aviation flights may not work well in UAV flights for at least two reasons: the difference in encounter characteristics, and the difference in available resource provisions. Problems on reactive CA and search-based CA are mostly simplified to two-dimensional flight cases and depend heavily on nonpartisan observer in providing motion data to the onboard controller, thus resulting CA control systems that are ever-dependent to external sensory resources. This shortcoming can potentially be solved using kinematic-based collision threat situation (CTS) model. Existing CTS models using ‘collision cone’ or velocity obstacle (VO) approach are discussed. These models reveal the existence of an infinite number of evasion planes for a given initial threat situation, which requires the CA controller using such approach to search for a plane that provides the most efficient evasive maneuver, which in turn requires more computing power and time. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a CTS model that is based on the kinematic relation between pair of bodies involved in a CTS. We also define the state of the CTS model and construct the CA controller to reduce the value of the state of the CTS. Since the CTS is evaluated in relative motion context between the bodies, the resulting model is readily compatible with output data from onboard sensors, eliminating the need to perform coordinate transformation that will in turn improving the computational efficiency of the whole CA control system. Furthermore, the model also provides us a deterministic evasion plane, thus eliminating the need to perform a search procedure. The performance of our CA control design is evaluated using energy-based function and a series of simulations.

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Collision avoidance (CA),Collision threat situation (CTS),Gyroscopic action,Kinematics,UAV

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