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Design and implementation of low cost thrust benchmarking system (TBS) in application for small scale electric UAV propeller characterization

Virginio R.a, Fuad F.A.a, Jihadil M.a, Ramadhani M.J.a, Rafie M.a, Stevenson R.a, Adiprawita W.a

a School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Thrust Benchmarking System (TBS), a low cost and easy to manufacture instrument for electric UAV propulsion system performance measurement is being proposed. With one of its uses for determining the static thrust of a propeller based on simple empirical characterization modeling. In this paper, characteristic modeling is performed on 3 APC-Electric propellers with different pitch and diameter dimensions. As a result, there are 2 constants K 1 and K 2 which can express similar propeller characteristics with different dimensions. It costs IDR 1.6 million and took two-and-a-half months of manufacture and assembly process.

Author keywords

Assembly process,Benchmarking system,Characteristic model,Design and implementations,Performance measurements,Propulsion system,Small scale,Static thrust

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Funding details

This work is supported by Aksantara UAV Research and Development Team of Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia.